Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No Excuses for Bad Satire Disguised as Comedy: Part II (link to video)

You have got to watch this video! Its been awhile since I have seen a black man SOOOO oblivious to race and how it affects him and us ALL.

I am not going to say much. Just watch this guy go on and on. My absolute favorite part is not the rebuttals by Roland Martin (those were expected) but the look of complete disbelief by David Gergen (for those of you who don't know he is the white man all the way on the left).

Anyway here is the link. Enjoy or Shake your head in disgust. Whatever you are moved to do.

(Sorry I tried for an hour to embed the link).

No Excuses for Bad Satire disguised as Comedy

Ok so when is are extreme right, conservative media, or even shock jocks like Rush Limbaugh going to held accountable for their divisive innuendo.

The image above was a reference to recently passed Stimulus BIll widely referred to as owned by Pres. Obama. I can see (in a very very very far fetched way) how this can simply be meant to say the people (or person most directly responsible) for the Stimulus package could be compared to a "crazed" primate (more specifically the one who critically injured a woman in California a few days back). However, regardless of the intent of this cartoon - someone, ANYONE with any shred of intelligence should have known how BADLY this could potentially be interpreted in an offensive manner.

Let's be real. Regardless of whether or not we agree with political commentators or news outlets. We must all agree that the people there have SOME reasonable level of intelligence. Its not only inferred by required in most cases to even be employed by one of them. So I think that they have to be held to a certain (and frankly higher) standard than the average hick or angry blogger exercising their first amendment rights. To put it simply - THESE PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW BETTER.

Taking a step further. While the artist (Sean Delona) may have some freedoms here to create whatever he wants (although that doesn't give him a pass either). I would expect that the news outlet (in this case the New York Post) would also know better than to put this out without expecting a backlash.

So that leads me to this. Any apology that they might offer up to me is at is very best intent - still a complete lie. I am sure they put this out to inspire anger and publicity as a by product. Knowing full well that profit is there any (because I doubt good journalism is) - I understand why they would put this out.

But with every dollar comes consequences - and I hope that the Obama Administration will adopt an policy of not granting any interviews or answering any questions at any time during this first term (yeah I said it - FIRST TERM) from the New York Post. Let them understand that while we all have free speech. Some times its in your best interest to watch what you say.
