Monday, July 13, 2009

MJ Tributes: Pass and Fail (F+)

With so many so quick to trash the man before his body is even cold - its good to see that the legacy lives on - despite the HATERS. Glad to see how this young man defends Mike so well. Good to know that we don't have to call on Rev. Al and Rev. Jackson all of the time. I love how the guy called him out on hypocrisy.

You all already know how I feel about that so-called BET Tribute (I might not ever get over that trash). So in my free time that I have now added to my schedule by boycotting watching anything BET - I have found these really cool and TRUE tributes. I say that they are true because they are coming from real fans. Not just celebrities (who I am sure are fans as well) - but people who the only real connection they had to MJ was the music and that dance. They - or rather we- really did have a lot of love for him.

You know what - Bill O'Reilly - want to make this a solely black/white issue. Black people are the only one protecting MJ or lifting him up? To that I offer this.

Hmmmm..looked like a pretty diverse crowd to me - and a global one to boot. These are coming in from all over the world. Once again the likes of Limbaugh and O'Reilly can do themselves some service and stop being such jackasses. I wonder what people will say when they are gone? Hmmm.. I am guessing that media coverage last about 15 seconds.

But I move on to the funny.

Now the next guy. Aside from being under the water in debt and unable to pay some bills - he has nothing in coming with MJ. However, after watching this video I am almost certain that there is no way to tell him that. This is what we classify a certified grade F- FAIL FAIL FAIL.. Enjoy.

I am so sorry but that was FUNNY. Wrong..but funny. Underneath it all though - it still speaks to how deep this man was rooted into our culture.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Passong time.

So I have a meeting downtown about my next event (tomorrow - gonna be massive) and I am seeing how the city is getting all spruced up for the all star game weekend. New pavement on streets...buildings get cleaned...even a new park downtown (a nice new park). It made me think - when everyone is crying deficits and recession - where did all the $$$$$ for this come from? I am not mad but I am just saying.. Things that make you go hmmm... And if they were gonna build something why not something that generates more jobs and revenue? I mean a park just sits here. Maybe a staff of 10, 20 maybe? IDK maybe I am off. Anyway money pit or not. Its still a nice day and its good to see them spicing up downtown.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

BET Awards - seems like I am not the only one who has cut off BET

I hadn't even realized until I watched this video - that I haven't even watched BET since the airing of the 2009 BET Awards last Sunday. Apparently my level of disgust has gone subconscious and I am protesting even when I don't realize it - AND when I do. Combat of ignorance is a full time job what can I say.

Anyway I saw this video and while my twitter and facebook rants during the awards show telecast has become the stuff of legend (humble much?) - I have to defer to this guy who is spot on and took it to the cyber-airwaves. I think he is hilarious and also speaking what oh so many of us we were thinking while sitting on our couch. With a collective look of

Enjoy the video.