Having fun with this iMovie application.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Hanging out with Tanner in Texas
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We sure did down in Texas at the Grimes. Make sure to speak out what you are thankful for and search for new things to be thankful for.
Have a Happy Holiday Season.
(P.S. - My brother-in-law was not harmed in the production of this movie).
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Get your volunteer on...I did
Together with other volunteers we packed 590 cases = 16380 lbs. = 13371 meals for the hungry.
What did you do this morning?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Get on National DO NOT Call registry!!
REMINDER.... all cell phone numbers are being released totelemarketing> companies and you will start to receive sales calls.
To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone:
It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time.. It blocks your number for five (5) years.
You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number.
HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON .. It takes about 20 seconds!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My new hobby
I shot and edited this little piece for the young bruhz at my chapter. I know some of you who read this won't care for the music. But that's not really the point. The point is that I shot this with an $80 video camera and edited it with a program that's been on Aliah's MAC since she got it years ago.. If you put your mind to something its cool what you can come up with. We'll see what I come up with in the future.
In the mean time.. this is pretty cool if I say so myself.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Happy Birthday to me.
Business is good. SYGU future is looking bright. Let's get it.
What's ahead for year 33? Who knows? All I know is that I can't wait to find out!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Correct me if I am wrong...
A report came out today saying that the U.S. employment rate slipped closer to 10%. Now I am not economist but I know that can't be good. It hasn't been anywhere near that since the 80's and Reganomics.
One thing that puzzles me about media and political spin when it comes to the unemployment rate - is when they try and depict it in a "good light". Like the unemployment rate "slowed" this week/month/year/etc. Slow or not that's still people losing their jobs right? Why don't we hear about how many people are getting back into the employment stream? Slow rate or not if the amount of people overall continues to grow (vs. just the rate/speed at which that number grows) - doesn't that mean more and more people with reliable income to pay for basic necessities OR elective financial protections (that's insurance people)?
So if the number of people who can't afford to pay for their own health care out of pocket OR through insurance grows daily - who is supposed to pay all of these "affordable" insurance plans via exchange or across state lines? Who is supposed to be able to wait for the time to allow for the market to correct itself and prices to come down on their own - without government intervention?
The public option is the only solution that will remedy (pun intended) this problem. It allows people who can't afford to catch a cold much less cancer to be able to get the health care they so desperately need. To me Universal Coverage or single payer plan would be better - but at least this gives people an "option" to keep what they have if they want too.
I am not really sure how this is going to play out. But I have a feeling that the unemployed are about to speak up.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Finally somebody said what I was thinking!
I love this guy. Because it grew a pair and just went in and said what a lot of Democrats were thinking anyway. Not elected Democrats - us - the voters who put them up there. Where is the fight in them? Don't get me wrong I am all for planning nice and the pursuit of utopian society where everything is worked out in a straight compromise and put to a vote. But these last couple of months have been RIDICULOUS. Seriously.
Its hard for me to criticize Pres. Obama but he is kinda setting the standard here. He has reached across the aisle time and time again only to be burned by the GOP. They turn their nose up at every attempt to bring something to the table and be INCLUDED in this administrations to simply get things BACK on track. How me times will you allow someone to disrespect you and take your kindness for weakness?
The majority of voters in this country elected this President and this Congress into office with a majority -so that they could GET things done and achieve all that they said they would do - without having to worry about intervention from Republicans like back in the Clinton administration. We blatantly told them - "Hey we hate how things are going, we want to try something new - and we want to see it happen - now". Like Sen. Grayson said - there was election - we won - let's get this done. If the GOP doesn't like it - maybe that should invest in a lifetime supply of duct tape for Rush Limbaugh's mouth and do a better job of getting back into the driver seat come the next election (or the one of after that if I have anything to say about it). That is not unfair - this is how our system works.
I think that a lot of big problems require simple solutions -so that they are easier to implement and people understand them better. People can't afford healthcare? Make it cheaper. That' doesn't fix the problem? Make it free. We waste so much money - and sadly enough - times (and lives) with this senseless back and forth. Trying to make sure that each and every liberal, conservative, or independent feels all warm and fuzzy inside about the change coming down the line - is an express ticket to failure. Does anybody remember George W. and crew waiting for us to get on board with something. No? Anyone? Bueller?

Right. That's because it didn't happen geniuses.
You ever heard of "Too many Chiefs not enough Indians"? - that's what we have here. Failure of leadership - TO LEAD. You have the steering wheel - now drive! Yeah, yeah so what you have a loud conservative passenger in the back complaining at every turn - turn your music up, roll the window down and go even faster - let them eat wind. That's what I think Rep. Grayson -did. He turned that volume up - and I am glad that he did.
For all of the comments about name calling. I say send those boo-hoo notes to Sen. Joe Wilson. He called the President a liar - an insult because it in fact was not true at all. Rep. Grayson called the GOP out for what it is. He probably could have found a "nicer" way of saying it - but I am sure he was moved by all those Tea Party and Town Hall tirades. If you can't take it - don't dish it out.
Here endeth the lesson.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hometeam... Vandalyzm x Finale
Anyway when you move beyond obstacles they become trophies in your wake. Here's to the future.
St. Louis and Detroit connect over Just & Jay Elec’s beat, detailing the tares and snares of life and the industry.
Download — Vandalyzm & Finale - “Watch Niggas” (Dear Moleskin Freestyle)
Clipse feat Pharrell
This might be my new joint for a while. I have always liked this group lyrically except when it comes to content. I haven't seen any parts of a trap house and while they always impressed me with their intricate rhymes - I think they were often "trapped" talking about cocaine cowboy type escapades.
Well they may have returned to the spotlight on this one and taken the hint on the way. This is a nice groove not to far off their hit formula (i.e. Pharell on the hook) but just far enough (minimal drug references) to get them on the shelf at Target. I have to say though do do have a flow on this song (haven't heard any album yet) more reminiscent of Plies. If I were into gambling - I'd bet on a diss record sometime soon. In the meantime - enjoy the record.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Bruh needs his Prozac
Now some people said I was wrong for this one. But I beg to differ. Look if people can report crimes and the latest news of the day via I-report for CNN. I feel it is my right -even MY DUTY to document Karate Kicking Crackheads who give advice on how to release you Chakras (spelling?).
This dude was crazy. He ACTUALLY said he was on the run from the KKK for 20 years and that they were out to get him. He was stopping through on his journey to find Jesus (but he said he was Muslim...hmmm). THEN to top it off he said that he was getting blacklisted because he had DESIGNED the Metrolink! (for all you out of towners - that's the local mass transit train). Yeah right.
Said part is.. (Sorry Bruhz) - this was at the Frat House (smh).
Todays adventure. Ferry riding.
I have been getting a lot better with this video/mobile blogging thing - and I have to admit I REALLY LIKE IT. Anyway - as much as I like it - I have been rather lacking when it comes to the updates to THIS particular blog. My bad.
This video is from my unique experiencing of the day. A ferry ride across the Mississippi. Turns out this wasn't the "Adventure" I made it out to be. The trip took about 10 mins tops - and I caught a flat tire about 25 minutes later out on MO 370 (sucks - threw my whole day off.)
Anyway that brings me to the service center where I am sitting in the waiting room with all this time to bother you nice people with my thoughts.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Healthcare & Hypocrisy II - Couldn't resist.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Glenn Beck's Operation | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
This is what I was talking about when I was saying Hypocrisy. Conservatives mouthpieces are only sure of thing when it comes to where they stand on this issue - its wherever the opposition to prevailing Liberal views are.
With all of the rumors being spread and what not. This video proves the point that the real goal here is to simply defeat Pres. Obama's and his administration on this issue. Because they know there is no coming back from this - they know this will put them in huge minority in the political future. Once people get a taste of "no-worry about how I am going to pay for it" - health care - it's a wrap. They will know who they have to thank for it - and it will be a sad day for standing on the wrong side of this issue - simply because you wanted to get in the way.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Healthcare & Hypocrisy...
After watching days and days of news coverage on this issue. I feel I can sum up where everyone can agree on for this topic.
1) By and large most people agree that the health care system needs to be reform.
2) Any changes that are undertaken need to be set-up in way that they are paid for and do not increase the national deficit.
3) People should have the option to keep what they currently have in place for care whether a change happens or not.
Here is where people don't agree
1) Who or what should pay for these changes or reform.
2) Introducing any government option will effectively erase the private insurance industry (removing your option to choose).
3) How much control you have over whom, what, or where your medical treatment is provided.
Where Attorney General Holder called a nation of cowards on race - it would appear that terminology applies here as well - I just think hypocrites fits better.
Let's keep it simple and just work on the money part shall we?
1) First off - if you are worried about increasing the national deficit you by default already acknowledge that we are in DEBT. The only way to counter DEBT is to pay it off or remove it via some other form of positive credit toward your balance (whatever that may be). I keep hearing people say that "WE" shouldn't have to shoulder the costs of all of this deficit - that's true. However if its "OUR" debt who else should pay for it? The government? (yeah that comes back to you in a tax). Private industry (yeah that comes back to you in price hikes). Foreign countries (uh..we already tried this - hence our current position). So who does that leave?
(insert any Michael Jackson (RIP) Man in the Mirror joke here).
Thats right us. When WE are in debt and in need of services. There is really no way of US getting around it. That means somebody if not everybody is going to have to pay probably taxes to address this issue. Its the ugly truth - and I don't even like to say it (who does really?) - but there is NO way around this issue. We all are going to feel the costs of this economy/deficit/reforms for at least the next few years so here is a clue - GET OVER IT - WHETHER YOU LIKE OR NOT - WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.
2) We already pay for ALL KINDS of PUBLIC services so this is not a new concept - and I'll let you in a little secret (sssshhhh - don't tell anybody. THE PRIVATE VERSIONS OF THEM ARE DOING JUST OK - who knew?). We have PUBLIC SCHOOLS and PRIVATE SCHOOLS. I haven't heard about any private schools going out of business lately. Have you? We already have PUBLIC DEFENDERS and PRIVATE DEFENSE ATTORNEYS - man when is the last time you heard about an Defense attorney that was getting blown out by those friggin Public Defenders downtown? Don't like how the local Police - "protect and serve"? - Guess what - you can buy or rent your own cops - via security details, private investigators, etc. We even have PUBLIC RESTROOMS and somehow yours seems to still get PLENTY OF BUSINESS. Last time I checked in the battle of PUBLIC vs. PRIVATE - Private side was doing pretty good.. Don't believe me? When is the last time you used one of these?
Imagine that.
My point is that creating a public OPTION - in no way puts in jeopardy whatever businesses are already in place. Having options ALWAYS is a good thing.
3) With regard to this whole "rationing" of treatment or long wait list for getting care. Are you serious? Forgive me - but is it not common for you to have to make an appointment in advance of seeing a doctor or other provider? Do you not make your next appointment MONTHS out in advance when you are on way out the door of your last appointment? Why is waiting to see a doctor all of a sudden the bogeyman? You do this already.. You don't want to wait? You go to an EMERGENCY ROOM - they triage you into the "people who really don't have an emergency but can't wait" category and you get seen that day. They charge you and or your insurance out the roof for coming in there unannounced and then your insurance companies goes back behind your back and cuts that bill in half (or more than that). My point is that this is not a new issue either. You already deal with this.
I haven't seen one part of this bill or anything that people are saying that suggest that you can be made to go see a certain provider without any choice in the matter. Who would agree to that? But what does happen is there are networks (HMO, PPO, O mother hubbard, etc.) - where your insurance is Bishop Don Juan - and because it cost less out of your pocket - you are more "inclined" to go there. This my friends is what we call "steering". Actually its almost illegal but I guess you have your neighborhood lobbyists to thank for that a pass on that one.
Will there be more wait time? Possibly. Its logical to think that if more people have access to care there will be more patients. But God forbid that the hospitals do something insane like- hire more staff - to deal with the higher demand (is that jobs created or jobs saved? I think its both - score 2 for me).
Do I have all the answers - no. But I do know that all this fear mongering is counterproductive and holding us back from our true greatness. People need to get up off their high horse and realize that you can't have it both ways. You can't ignore the problem and expect it to go away. You can't want change for the problem and do nothing to change it. It just doesn't work that way. At all.
Here endeth the lesson.
Monday, July 13, 2009
MJ Tributes: Pass and Fail (F+)
You all already know how I feel about that so-called BET Tribute (I might not ever get over that trash). So in my free time that I have now added to my schedule by boycotting watching anything BET - I have found these really cool and TRUE tributes. I say that they are true because they are coming from real fans. Not just celebrities (who I am sure are fans as well) - but people who the only real connection they had to MJ was the music and that dance. They - or rather we- really did have a lot of love for him.
You know what - Bill O'Reilly - want to make this a solely black/white issue. Black people are the only one protecting MJ or lifting him up? To that I offer this.
Hmmmm..looked like a pretty diverse crowd to me - and a global one to boot. These are coming in from all over the world. Once again the likes of Limbaugh and O'Reilly can do themselves some service and stop being such jackasses. I wonder what people will say when they are gone? Hmmm.. I am guessing that media coverage last about 15 seconds.
But I move on to the funny.
Now the next guy. Aside from being under the water in debt and unable to pay some bills - he has nothing in coming with MJ. However, after watching this video I am almost certain that there is no way to tell him that. This is what we classify a certified grade F- FAIL FAIL FAIL.. Enjoy.
I am so sorry but that was FUNNY. Wrong..but funny. Underneath it all though - it still speaks to how deep this man was rooted into our culture.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Passong time.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
BET Awards - seems like I am not the only one who has cut off BET
I hadn't even realized until I watched this video - that I haven't even watched BET since the airing of the 2009 BET Awards last Sunday. Apparently my level of disgust has gone subconscious and I am protesting even when I don't realize it - AND when I do. Combat of ignorance is a full time job what can I say.
Anyway I saw this video and while my twitter and facebook rants during the awards show telecast has become the stuff of legend (humble much?) - I have to defer to this guy who is spot on and took it to the cyber-airwaves. I think he is hilarious and also speaking what oh so many of us we were thinking while sitting on our couch. With a collective look of
Enjoy the video.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Reverse Racism?? I think not..
I know that I am late people. But this one took a little while to boil over in me so here we go.
Shortly after President Obama picked his Supreme Court nominee Judge Sotomayor- all of these charges of "reverse racism" popped up. Some in reference to her now infamous quote:
“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”
And now more recently the New Haven 20 case (which she rendered a decision on) has been overturned - and supporters of this are doing so in the name of the war against "reverse discrimination or reverse racism".
Before I start - let me say 2 things.
#1 Props to Judge Sotomayor for her nomination - I have no doubt that she will do a good job. Stop tip-toeing around her nomination.
#2 - I actually agree with the Supreme Courts decision to overturn the ruling regarding the New Haven 20 and let those firefighters have their promotions. But that's where its stops.
There is NO SUCH THING AS REVERSE DISCRIMINATION. Discrimination is discrimination period. It can be projected and reciprocated but the term reverse discrimination is just plain stupid. But that is not what even makes me mad....What gets me going is the "super desperate for any kind of win right wing conservatives" who are twisting this term and the situations its referring to - and that is not right.
The New Haven 20 were not discriminated against. They were cheated out of promotion they deserved but not specifically because they were white (all of those that passed were not white either) - but rather because the city had problem with the outcome of the scores. There were petitioned to try and address it before these men took this test and the city didn't move to do anything about it until AFTER they took the test. Now again, that was wrong on the part of the city - there was standard test - the men passed it - they should get what they deserve. But an error on policy alone doesn't constitute racism or discrimination. At least not in my opinion.
Had the city of New Haven promoted ONLY minority officers and excluded white ones (when both groups were qualified). That would be racism. If they were qualified as a group but REPEATEDLY looked over for promotions in the face of consistent appointments of members of other minority groups - that would be discrimination as well. But this case, this case was not about racism it was about policy and whether or not a city government acted in accordance with the law. Period.
I find it very disturbing that these guys can cry the ultimate foul - when what I described in the paragraph above was (and still is in many fire departments) - how things were done in protection of "white" interests.
You see that's the difference. Discrimination is systematic. Its not random and it doesn't all of a sudden change course. Its bred and perpetuated through hateful thoughts and acts. That is not what happened here. That's not the spirit of Judge Sotomayor comments either. She was simply saying that a person who has had the experience of dealing with a more diverse upbringing for whatever reasons (or whatever race for that matter) - has a qualification that someone who hasn't does not. Did she phrase it poorly? Yes. So what..we'll call her the Joe Biden of the Supreme Court. But you can't get me to believe for one second that all of you college educated experts, pundits, activist, etc. - REALLY believe that. The very fact that you are smart enough to call it out as inappropriate shows me that you can interpret in either direction.
Let's be clear. The charges of "reverse racism" are comparable to "little boy who cried wolf". If you are screaming foul just because the for first time in your life you don't get something you want - doing it in the name of "reverse racism" - cheapens the term. Try marching up some city street or town road with a sign for a cause in the face of those who REALLY hate you. Then tell me about racism. Take up a cause that you KNOW will almost never see the light of day in any court in your lifetime (much less the supreme court) - and then tell me about discrimination.
This...this was nothing. This is a tad uncomfortable. Its cool- the system of white entitlement is in jeopardy - and its a new space for you. Kind of like being the boss of a company one day and then being the new guy at another company the next. Its all good. Fight for your spot and your respect. That's natural - that's survival of the fittest.
But PLEASE stop throwing around that word so freely. Too many people have sacrificed - even the ultimate sacrifice - for you to reduce it to the equivalent of a two-bit curse word or insult. Its not the same. It means so much more.
There is still so much work to do and this is a waste of time.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
RIP Michael Jackson. Gary Indiana - Stand UP!
You know how you wake up one day - and you never know what you are gonna get? Today is one of those days. I can honestly say I wasn't expecting this today. I was looking forward to getting old (I mean real old) before I'd see this day. Yet here it is - and I don't know what to say.
I mean its something alone that the passing of a person moves me or anybody for that matter to comment. But I am POSITIVE that I am not the only person this has affected. Not by a long shot. Thats says something too - that someone that means (not meant) to soooo many people - how many people work hard to matter to a few people. This man was loved by the whole world -almost literally.
One of my earliest memories is going to see Michael Jackson in concert. I think it was 1984 at the Meadowlands in New Jersey (home to the NFL's New York Jets) - and it was the Victory Tour- all of the Jacksons together (even RANDY!). I loved it.
I guess the fact that I even remember something that happened 25 years ago so vividly tells the whole story. My Dad (another Gary native) took me to see the show. It was really odd as I watched the news and music channels shows and all these reporters and great artists were calling in - and some of them saying they never got to see him perform live in person. That makes this memory in particular mean even more 25 yeras later!
Anyway - I want to say that you should cherish your legends and find them as inspiration. To be a legend in your own right.
RIP Michael Jackson. 4ever in our hearts.
Here is my favorite MJ Video
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Fathers Day!
On more days than not I'd like to believe that I have grown into a honorable man. While my own decisions and lessons learned have surely had a lot to do with that,nothing has had more to do with it than the TWO men you see in this picture beside me.
I am blessed and honored to be able to say they raised me and still are giving jewels of wisdom to this very day. I am not sure what a card, or a call, or even a blog posting can really do to actually quantify my love, admiration, and respect for not one but both of them - but I am going to post it regardless as a tribute to them.
So with that being said. To any and all fathers who read this. HAPPY FATHERS DAY! You inspire me.
And to all the sons out there... I hope you are as lucky as me.
Video Blog - Preview
So I FINALLY FINALLY figured how to both upgrade my blackberry so that it could take mobile video AND post it straight to this very blog. So you know its ON right? Can you say CNN I-reporter (well we'll see about that. I gotta find something to report on first..hehe).
Anyway - just a taste of things to come.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
One of my favorite things from the wedding
Aside from seeing my beautiful wife, saying vows, getting that kiss, and the reception and after-party and day as a whole.. This was one of my favorite parts.
Hope you enjoy.
New Jay-Z - track leak - D.O.A (Death of Autotune)
Hooray...Jigga has fired the first salvo signaling the end of Autotune overusage, skinny jeans on dudes (thank god), and yes yes RINGTONE RAPS. Its official you have to come up with more than a good (not even great) hook - to be considered a good rapper.
There is hope that the statement "Bringing back 89" may actually mean something these days.
Download — Jay-Z - “D.O.A. (Death Of Autotune)” (Radio Rip) [Better Quality]
Download - Jay-Z “D.O.A. (Death Of Autotune)” [CDQ]
Respect: illRoots
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Sums up my days...
Spaceship from kwest on Vimeo.
Kanye released this video today for a song off his first album. I wish he would have released it then...not sure how it would have played to me then - but I know how it does now. I CAN RELATE. I was never a BIG fan of the song (GLC and Consequence lyrical
delivery and cadence were a little sub-par to me personally) - but the video takes it home for me.
Somedays, career-wise I ask myself - how did I end up here? I am not a unhappy person in general. But I think this appeals to all those people like myself who maybe feel like you were meant for something greater but haven't got there yet -and are frustrated by it. I hope the message isn't lost on people though. That you have to keep going and sometimes struggle through things until you get your shot - but at the same time keep working to get that shot.
Anyway - enjoy some vintage Kanye.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Jay-Z and Eminem Perform for DJ HERO Party
Now why don't they do these kinds of events here in St. Louis.. Oh well. Thank God for enternet video.