I love this guy. Because it grew a pair and just went in and said what a lot of Democrats were thinking anyway. Not elected Democrats - us - the voters who put them up there. Where is the fight in them? Don't get me wrong I am all for planning nice and the pursuit of utopian society where everything is worked out in a straight compromise and put to a vote. But these last couple of months have been RIDICULOUS. Seriously.
Its hard for me to criticize Pres. Obama but he is kinda setting the standard here. He has reached across the aisle time and time again only to be burned by the GOP. They turn their nose up at every attempt to bring something to the table and be INCLUDED in this administrations to simply get things BACK on track. How me times will you allow someone to disrespect you and take your kindness for weakness?
The majority of voters in this country elected this President and this Congress into office with a majority -so that they could GET things done and achieve all that they said they would do - without having to worry about intervention from Republicans like back in the Clinton administration. We blatantly told them - "Hey we hate how things are going, we want to try something new - and we want to see it happen - now". Like Sen. Grayson said - there was election - we won - let's get this done. If the GOP doesn't like it - maybe that should invest in a lifetime supply of duct tape for Rush Limbaugh's mouth and do a better job of getting back into the driver seat come the next election (or the one of after that if I have anything to say about it). That is not unfair - this is how our system works.
I think that a lot of big problems require simple solutions -so that they are easier to implement and people understand them better. People can't afford healthcare? Make it cheaper. That' doesn't fix the problem? Make it free. We waste so much money - and sadly enough - times (and lives) with this senseless back and forth. Trying to make sure that each and every liberal, conservative, or independent feels all warm and fuzzy inside about the change coming down the line - is an express ticket to failure. Does anybody remember George W. and crew waiting for us to get on board with something. No? Anyone? Bueller?

Right. That's because it didn't happen geniuses.
You ever heard of "Too many Chiefs not enough Indians"? - that's what we have here. Failure of leadership - TO LEAD. You have the steering wheel - now drive! Yeah, yeah so what you have a loud conservative passenger in the back complaining at every turn - turn your music up, roll the window down and go even faster - let them eat wind. That's what I think Rep. Grayson -did. He turned that volume up - and I am glad that he did.
For all of the comments about name calling. I say send those boo-hoo notes to Sen. Joe Wilson. He called the President a liar - an insult because it in fact was not true at all. Rep. Grayson called the GOP out for what it is. He probably could have found a "nicer" way of saying it - but I am sure he was moved by all those Tea Party and Town Hall tirades. If you can't take it - don't dish it out.
Here endeth the lesson.
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