I'd agree with that assessment. What pains me is that nobody really seems to care about it. I mean that people are still debating the same kinds of problems in the same way - getting us the same results. Those "results" could often be accurately described as "very little progress if any" (that's my own quote - ahem). Political parties are content to attempt push one agenda (their own) while pummeling their oppositions - for the sake of the win - not the sake of the people. My complaint with the whole process is when people make COMPLAINTS about options given as solutions but have no credible options of their own. Race fits into that category.
If I hear one more person talk about a double standard, or why they are scared to comment for fear of being viewed as racist I am going to scream. The truth is THERE ARE DOUBLE STANDARDS and there are PEOPLE WHO ARE RACIST. We don't need to tip-toe around it or hide it. We know these things. Where the problem comes in - is when people say in private what they won't say in public (Insert Sen. Harry Reid or Rev. Jesse Jackson joke here). Then there is this cloud of secrecy like you are hiding something from me. If that is the case - why should I trust you? You obviously don't trust me right? Right - blah blah blah.. Old news.
This problem is like a cancer. Like drug or alcohol abuse. America and the world's addiction to it runs deep - centuries deep. So why do people expect this to be fixed in a year (the historical equivalent to the blink of an eye)? Just like addicts we need some self help groups. Some face time with each other. Yeah there may be some screaming at the top of our lungs. But make sure thats screaming OUT about what you feel and not AT the other side. We are far too advanced a species to be beyond control of tone and AT LEAST the exploration of context. Of course there is "reaction" to random commentary- it catches you off guard and you have a knee jerk reaction. But in the proper forum you get time to explain your concern, the other person gets tim explain what they mean in what they say - and vice versa.
But how do we act these days? - we pounce on every "he/she mis-spoke" or every joke made in "poor taste". But then pay comedians to do it right out in the open? No wonder we can't figure it out! That makes an oxymoron of "Free Speech" if you ask me.
Is that how we move forward? Is that really honoring the "Dream"? I don't think so. Faith without works is death (James 2:17). ARE WE REALLY WAITING FOR THIS PROBLEM TO FIX ITSELF? Are we that's stupid?
The election of our President WAS the indication of what can be accomplished when people speak out in the even the smallest way (a vote). But now we are silenced again? Ok to return to years of complaining and blaming "the man" or the government. The time for that is past. We've had and HAVE big problems. Its time for us to stop being so quiet. Stop being so ineffective and start working on our problems. Start speaking so that our opponents and neighbors can hear us -but more importantly we make sure to take the time to hear them.
Off to be productive today. You all be safe.
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