Friday, October 31, 2008
Miss me with that bull.....
In the last week - maybe even in some months - its become very apparent to me how necessary it is to cut negative people out of your life. They can be like a disease - and the greater your exposure to them - the greater your chances of being affected by them. A lot of times we let the "ties that bind" become the ties that blind. Blinding us to the fact that while we are trying to stick around and help these people out or help them up - they are really just bringing us down. In the end - is that really acceptable? Why does everyone have to suffer because one person can't get it together? Doesn't make sense to me.
Aliah and I were watching "Raising the Bar" (good show on TNT - check it out) - and one man was telling another "Having you in my life makes me a better person." And the second man turned to the first and said "yeah but it makes me worse." That's deep. Again I believe you can help others at your own expense - but it begs the question how much is too much?
I have always believed that "God helps those who helps themselves" - and I should be the same way - helping those who not only really need it - but aren't going to make my efforts in vain - because I wouldn't waste another persons time and energy. Lately I have noticed people that are negative in nature or drawn to negativity seem most likely to waste my time and energy.
One of the easiest ways to recognize negative people is - nothing is ever their fault. Its always "the world" bearing down on them. Constantly dodging responsibility. I am far from perfect - so I am trying hard not to judge but its hard. I find myself constantly reminded of words from a more "focused" time in my life.
"Excuses are monuments of nothingness. They build bridges to nowhere. Those who use these tools of incompetence are master of nothingness, therefore worthy of nothing".
I wish more people took the words of another poem that inspired me along the way.
"When you are up against trouble meet is squarely face to face" and "Running from it will not save you".
The poem those lines come from is called SEE IT THROUGH - if you don't know it already (..ahem Bruhz) - read it.
But back to the topic. Why help people that are only dragging you down? Don't get me wrong -this isn't about community service or outreach. There has to be something for people to come to for help - so I am not dissing that. But I am saying when you extend YOURSELF - personally to help another and all it does is continue to bring you down? Nah - that's a no go. You gotta cut that out like a malignant tumor. Because thats what it is - something that eats you and makes you do more and more to serve it - and for what? What did you do wrong? Nothing right!?!?
Its up to that person to get their act together - not you.
I don't get paid to teach, but I can lead by example. So from now on if the helps is flowing from this direction - its my way or the highway. Show me that you are taking that help seriously and there is plenty more where that came from. Any BS - and you know what they say "Fool me once...."
Sorry for the rant - I had to vent - for real.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Funny Video: Wassup 2008
This is a dope "rewind" of sorts. I won't ruin it for you - just watch. It really kind of sums up all the BS we've dealt with. Over the last few years. The ending makes me wish they would have aired this on TV a few times. But that's just me being sentimental.
If you can't see the embedded video here is the link:
Let me know what you think.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Nail in the coffin
So if you've been paying attention to the last few days of the presidential election - you've surely heard all the drama about Gov. Palin bucking against the McCain campaign - and them calling her "a diva" in response to her rebellion on the campaign trail.
All I have to say - how is it that McCain can say that Obama is not "ready to lead" when he can't even keep his VP candidate in line. Just to be clear - that has NOTHING to do with her being a woman - but it has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that as a VP candidate she is CLEARLY second in command. What does that say about his leadership abilities?
Lets not even stop there - what about all of these prominent Republicans coming out and admitting that she was a bad choice for the VP slot. Then to top it off (as if it wasn't sweet enough already) people WITHIN the campaign are now admitting that Gov. Palin fell short of being qualified on a number of issues during the vetting process - but they were ignored. Now that probably comes as no surprised to a lot of people - what's really shocking is these campaign members feeling compelled to put it out to the mass media. Its certainly not helping their candidate - so again - if McCain can't select people to not only run a good campaign but to stay on message and loyal to it - what does that say about his ability to lead?
There is a chance that Democrats could take 60 seats in the Senate - and a solid run of the House too. So now McCain (almost waving the white flag) has moved on to saying that we should fear letting the Democrats have that much control. I say - why the hell not. Lets try something different where can get something done without sooooooo much resistance and bickering back and forth. If they mess it up - I am not above giving them the boot too. Right now the GOP should stop whining about the lack of support from the media, uneven fundraising, voter fraud, and all the other wackness they are bringing up. The simple fact is that they aren't very popular right now - they haven't done much to fight it off - and they have to deal with their own failures.
The endorsement of Gen. Colin Powell was the final nail in the coffin. The "mayday" or S.O.S - the ship is going down. Its over in my opinion. Seems like even the most radical parts of the opposition agree. Today there some neo-nazis were arrested by the FBI for plotting to kill Sen. Obama. If they didn't think he might win - I don't think we would be hearing about that. Don't you agree?
So I say - get out your hammer - your vote. Put the nail in the coffin for the GOP campaign.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Got a bad case of...
Writer's Block - Sorry that I have been gone so long folks. But I just haven't been "inspired" to write anything lately. I don't know if I am just focused on other things or if the world has just gotten THAT boring. What do you all think?
All of my "usual suspect" topics have gotten pretty lame duck - wouldn't you say?.
The ELECTION: Barack is up. McCain is throwing everything including the kitche sink at him. Its not working because he should have been focusing on how we are all paying for the high gas bills, for the hot water, that goes in that kitchen sink, in the the house we can no longer afford. (FYI that's a metaphor - I don't own a home yet...and at this rate...... but let's move on). Anyway - the point is all the fireworks right now are more annoying than anything else. We all want the big show right? Truth is I am just as excited about voting November 4th and the potential results - as I am scared of them. I'll let you dwell on that.
Relationships: I used to freely blog about my own personal relationship - but became a little weary of living in a glass house. Its bad enough people watch us like hawks - there is no point in adding fuel to the flame with an official weblog of our ups and downs (yes we have them we are human). But again - wedding is still on, we still live and love together. No story there (unless you were betting against us - shame on you). I also used to put my views on random issues regarding the relationships of people around me. Well either they got it together or they aren't telling me about it (or maybe they don't like ending up "anonymously" in my postings) - either way. Nothing much to say their either. Hopefully somebody will call me with something sooner or later.
Music: Man I haven't bought new music in a minute. Nothing has come out that has even slightly piqued my interest. Hip-hop ain't dead but it sure is boring right now. The other problem I have is for as much as I want to support my favorite artists. I don't need to by their records. I spend so much time around mass media that I hear their stuff ALL the time. So why buy it when I can get it for free (whether I like it or not). I do have ONE new jam - it kind of fits Aliah and I (well really more her - but its sexy - nothing else to say - enjoy).
Nightlife: Things have slowed down quite a bit here in the STL. I am not sure if that is any reflection of things nationwide but I suspect it's similar. Its a little harder to justify buying rounds when you are not sure if you next paycheck is guranteed. A better decision to save the gas money it takes to make it to that happy hour. Or better yet even just making sure to get your sleep so that you are 100% tomorrow morning vs. Henry the Hangover in the cubicle or office next to you. I am not a fan of the slow down - but I understand - and I have adjusted my behavior accordingly.
And with that.. I am off to bed.. Good night folks!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Wall St. Bailout = Greatest Heist in History?
I know what I said a couple of weeks ago with regard to the financial crisis "we have to do something". At that time I said that I understood that while the act would be painful it was necessary for the survival of our economy or rather the greater good.
Well that was last week.
Now I am sure all of you saw what happened in the short period since then - if not I highly suggest that you NOT look at your current 401K balance. To put it simply - ignorance is bliss.
That's kind of the way I feel about how this whole bailout thing played out. I wish I didn't know. Because right now its not my college level math skills that are ticking me off. Its my 3rd grade ones.
How is it that a week ago - House Republicans and Senators couldn't agree to pass a bare bones $700 Billion bailout package - saying it was too costly to the American people? Then turn right around and pass it faster than a post Exlax meal after $150 Billion of Pork Government Spending (translation - unecessary) was added to it? I am sorry since we did $850 billion become less costly than $700 billion. Please let me know so that I can register for some remedial mathematics courses.
No need - we all know it. The fact is that the people that we trust to "handle our business" screwed us over. And they did it in the name of "acting in our best interests". Its BS people (no EXLAX needed here).
I am not saving my fire for any one political party or candidate -because I think they all executed a plan of CYA here and I can't really see how it was done to benefit anyone more than the person signing the paper.
From my understanding - there were requests to add money for things as goofy as "puerto rican rum" to "arrow-manufacturers". WTF???!?! Just last week it was widely reported that more than 90% of the calls into congressional offices were flat out AGAINST any bailout for Washington. You mean to tell me that "Puerto Rican Rum" and "Arrow manufacturing" have THAT much affect on your voting public that you had to get that in there? Sounds to me like something else - LOBBYIST.
I don't believe that the American voters were given what they needed in this bill or the actions by ANYONE in the government right now. They were failed by the financial institutions and the government leaders that they elected.
My suggestion is that in this next election - you vote. And use your vote to send a very strong message to Washington DC. Any representative that voted to add more spending to this bill should be out - defeated in landslide - in order to send a message. Loud and clear. Don't mess with my stacks jack.
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