In the last week - maybe even in some months - its become very apparent to me how necessary it is to cut negative people out of your life. They can be like a disease - and the greater your exposure to them - the greater your chances of being affected by them. A lot of times we let the "ties that bind" become the ties that blind. Blinding us to the fact that while we are trying to stick around and help these people out or help them up - they are really just bringing us down. In the end - is that really acceptable? Why does everyone have to suffer because one person can't get it together? Doesn't make sense to me.
Aliah and I were watching "Raising the Bar" (good show on TNT - check it out) - and one man was telling another "Having you in my life makes me a better person." And the second man turned to the first and said "yeah but it makes me worse." That's deep. Again I believe you can help others at your own expense - but it begs the question how much is too much?
I have always believed that "God helps those who helps themselves" - and I should be the same way - helping those who not only really need it - but aren't going to make my efforts in vain - because I wouldn't waste another persons time and energy. Lately I have noticed people that are negative in nature or drawn to negativity seem most likely to waste my time and energy.
One of the easiest ways to recognize negative people is - nothing is ever their fault. Its always "the world" bearing down on them. Constantly dodging responsibility. I am far from perfect - so I am trying hard not to judge but its hard. I find myself constantly reminded of words from a more "focused" time in my life.
"Excuses are monuments of nothingness. They build bridges to nowhere. Those who use these tools of incompetence are master of nothingness, therefore worthy of nothing".
I wish more people took the words of another poem that inspired me along the way.
"When you are up against trouble meet is squarely face to face" and "Running from it will not save you".
The poem those lines come from is called SEE IT THROUGH - if you don't know it already (..ahem Bruhz) - read it.
But back to the topic. Why help people that are only dragging you down? Don't get me wrong -this isn't about community service or outreach. There has to be something for people to come to for help - so I am not dissing that. But I am saying when you extend YOURSELF - personally to help another and all it does is continue to bring you down? Nah - that's a no go. You gotta cut that out like a malignant tumor. Because thats what it is - something that eats you and makes you do more and more to serve it - and for what? What did you do wrong? Nothing right!?!?
Its up to that person to get their act together - not you.
I don't get paid to teach, but I can lead by example. So from now on if the helps is flowing from this direction - its my way or the highway. Show me that you are taking that help seriously and there is plenty more where that came from. Any BS - and you know what they say "Fool me once...."
Sorry for the rant - I had to vent - for real.
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