Writer's Block - Sorry that I have been gone so long folks. But I just haven't been "inspired" to write anything lately. I don't know if I am just focused on other things or if the world has just gotten THAT boring. What do you all think?
All of my "usual suspect" topics have gotten pretty lame duck - wouldn't you say?.
The ELECTION: Barack is up. McCain is throwing everything including the kitche sink at him. Its not working because he should have been focusing on how we are all paying for the high gas bills, for the hot water, that goes in that kitchen sink, in the the house we can no longer afford. (FYI that's a metaphor - I don't own a home yet...and at this rate...... but let's move on). Anyway - the point is all the fireworks right now are more annoying than anything else. We all want the big show right? Truth is I am just as excited about voting November 4th and the potential results - as I am scared of them. I'll let you dwell on that.
Relationships: I used to freely blog about my own personal relationship - but became a little weary of living in a glass house. Its bad enough people watch us like hawks - there is no point in adding fuel to the flame with an official weblog of our ups and downs (yes we have them we are human). But again - wedding is still on, we still live and love together. No story there (unless you were betting against us - shame on you). I also used to put my views on random issues regarding the relationships of people around me. Well either they got it together or they aren't telling me about it (or maybe they don't like ending up "anonymously" in my postings) - either way. Nothing much to say their either. Hopefully somebody will call me with something sooner or later.
Music: Man I haven't bought new music in a minute. Nothing has come out that has even slightly piqued my interest. Hip-hop ain't dead but it sure is boring right now. The other problem I have is for as much as I want to support my favorite artists. I don't need to by their records. I spend so much time around mass media that I hear their stuff ALL the time. So why buy it when I can get it for free (whether I like it or not). I do have ONE new jam - it kind of fits Aliah and I (well really more her - but its sexy - nothing else to say - enjoy).
Nightlife: Things have slowed down quite a bit here in the STL. I am not sure if that is any reflection of things nationwide but I suspect it's similar. Its a little harder to justify buying rounds when you are not sure if you next paycheck is guranteed. A better decision to save the gas money it takes to make it to that happy hour. Or better yet even just making sure to get your sleep so that you are 100% tomorrow morning vs. Henry the Hangover in the cubicle or office next to you. I am not a fan of the slow down - but I understand - and I have adjusted my behavior accordingly.
And with that.. I am off to bed.. Good night folks!
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