Wednesday, December 10, 2008

An very inspirational man - Dong Yun Yoon.

You may have saw the news story about the F-18 crash out in San Diego, CA that killed 4 people 2 women and 2 small girls. Well all of them were the family of one man Dong Yun Yoon..

Now we have all experience death - and I would never minimize anyone elses loss. But this man lost his wife and 2 young daughters and mother in law in the blink of an eye. Gone. I can't imagine losing anyone that close to me right now - let alone 4 people that close to me in one moment.

Its obvious that there is some negligence on the part of the U.S. Navy or Boeing (St. Louis based manufacturer) - for what appears to be an complete engine failure.

It would have been easy - and COMPLETELY justified for Mr. Yoon to break into an angry tirade against the US Government, Military, the manufacturer, and even the pilot. But this man --this man -- his first words? They were words of forgiveness, kindness, and grace. A manner in which I have not seen in a very long time. He asked for prayers for the well being of the downed pilot and even honored him as "national treasure"

before announcing that he didn't blame him at all.

I personally stand in awe of his strength to be so forgiving in the face of something that so easily could feed anger. He reminds me of the story of Job in the bible. His faith unwavering even when it seemed like God had forsaken him.

In this day and age of bailouts, welfare, recession, cutbacks, gimme, gimme, gimme etc. - This man makes me remember that you ought to be VERY thankful for what you DO have. Stop complaining about what you don't have - and spend that energy getting it for yourself. Tell the people you love - that you love them. Today. Not when they are gone -Which could be tomorrow.

(This picture was taken 10/17/08 - his newborn wasn't even 2 mos. old)

My father told me once - "whenever you are having a bad day - just think SOMEBODY out there is has it worse than you."

I kind of feel like that now. Are times rough. Yes. They could be worse - a lot worse. What am I gonna do about it?

My prayers go out to Mr. Yoon - his surviving family members and those that have passed on - Young Mi(Lee) Yoon , Grace Yoon and Rachel Yoon. I pray that he has strength in this time and going forward - and hope that someday he knows that he was a blessing to a lot of people - for reminding us to be thankful for what we have.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 : Dummy Of the Day award.

I am helping my partner Vandalzym out with his blog - check it out. Here is my first contribution.

This is a new topic for us here at Superill - the dummy of the day. This award will be given at random to individuals who not only commit but EXCEED the threshold for stupidity in their actions. Make no mistake NO ONE is above being a winner of the DUMMY OF THE DAY award - please watch your actions because - THIS TO COULD BE YOU.

Our first winner:

Illinois Govenor Rod Blagojevich!

Why you ask? If you have been anywhere near a T.V. today you know that Gov. Blago (as he is "affectionately" called) was picked up by the FEDS early this morning. What did he do to get an early morning wake up call from the G-Men? This DUMMY tried to sell off a Seat to the UNITED STATES SENATE!

Now all of that was ENOUGH for a DUMMY OF THE DAY nomination. But this is SUPERILL and we want 110%. So like we said you must not only commit the act but EXCEED the threshold of stupidity! Let's outline what got the good ole' Governor across the line - shall we?

#1) HE TRIED TO SELL A US SENATE SEAT! - (sorry but that was so dumb we had to say it again).

#2) He tried to sell the seat vacated by Pres. Elect Barack Obama. If there is one vacant seat in the world OTHER than the one in the Oval Office that Obama is ABOUT to fill (we know Dubya is still in office but you know how "absent" minded he is) - ITS THE ONE THAT HE JUST GOT OUT OF!!! HELLO!??!? Bueller!

#3) In the last 50 years of Illinois politics - there have been four other Governors. Want to know how many of them went to jail for corruption? - ALL OF THEM! So nobody really should have needed to pass a memo or at least a 2nd grade note that said - THE DAMN FEDS ARE WATCHING. Don't do anything stupid! - Signed "the Feds".

#4) Of the 6 years the Governor was in office - want to know how many he was KNOWINGLY under investigation? 5 years. The man gets elected in 02 ousting a GOP candidate who was going to jail for corruption. 1 year later he is under investigation for corruption (misuse of State property/resources)..But does he slow down.. OH NO.. NOT OUR WINNER - he goes and tries to sell off the highest profile piece of political leverage the state has ever known!

#5) To top it off - the man was being wire tapped - and knew it - and STILL said all of the stuff that got him caught up (and his wife, friends, and staffers so far). Then he goes on T.V. and pratically DARES the Feds to come and get him. I don't know about you but if I did something shady and the feds were watching across the street. I am not going to do anything to provoke them - right?
Not this Governor check out his "swag":

There he is folks. You very first SUPERILL dummy of the day. Please send other candidates to

This has been brought to you by Superill correspondent Pol-E-Tix.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In search of "Black Love"

Its no secret. Aliah and I take great pictures (LOL) - and yes we do have a great relationship (wedding bells ringing!) - but I often wonder why we end up the local poster children for "black love". I mean don't get me wrong - we appreciate all of the positive support, compliments and all. Its just that sometimes people make me feel like what we have is not just rare but almost impossible to attain.

Do you really believe that?

Think about it. Most references to black love these days aren't really about its existence but rather the lack thereof. Articles are all about how to find it (is it lost?), and how to make the best of it (is it sub-par somehow?), what to do in its absence (inter-racial dating tips?), etc. etc. etc. - I don't really believe all of that. I don't think that any of us are that forgone that we can't have "black love" or any love for that matter. Instead I think the problem is that well - we are too focused on "the problem."

Its kind of like being in a pool for the first time. When you jump in your mind is telling you that you will drown - so you freak out. When the truth is the - you are actually surrounded by something that is key to you very existence and if you let it do what it do and act accordingly it not only can keep you afloat. It can keep you alive. Funny right?

To keep it on water references - I think people really are TOO FOCUSED on the glass being half empty rather than being half full. Most of the time is spent complaining about what's wrong with your potential partners as opposed to exploring whats right with them. We're always on the lookout for the first sign of trouble - so much we probably miss the bright lights of opportunity in the people we meet.

If you really think about it -your top 10 list of goals/attributes for a potential mate is actually more of of constraint than a guide. It seriously limits your options. You are practically running a persons resume as they approach you. Some of the most successful pairings are people that you wouldn't ever consider viable mates. But in the end they work. What if those people had been as closed minded? Hmmm...

(Ok maybe not that last one...)

It is true that both sides really need to step it up on the interpersonal skils (yes both sides) but I think there needs to be a "return to basics" for the masses. Really get back to getting to know people vs. meeting potential sutors. Everyone is not a candidate for husband/wife. It takes time to figure that out. And you can't figure it out overnight (especially in bed).

Black Love is not a commodity. Its not this rare gem that you can't find in everyday life. Its not the impossible dream or reserved for Hollywood hills

Nor the White House

Black Love just like any love is all around you. It requires risks and faith. Support and communication. An open mind and an open heart. If you don't have these things - black love won't be the only thing you are missing out on.