You may have saw the news story about the F-18 crash out in San Diego, CA that killed 4 people 2 women and 2 small girls. Well all of them were the family of one man Dong Yun Yoon..
Now we have all experience death - and I would never minimize anyone elses loss. But this man lost his wife and 2 young daughters and mother in law in the blink of an eye. Gone. I can't imagine losing anyone that close to me right now - let alone 4 people that close to me in one moment.
Its obvious that there is some negligence on the part of the U.S. Navy or Boeing (St. Louis based manufacturer) - for what appears to be an complete engine failure.
It would have been easy - and COMPLETELY justified for Mr. Yoon to break into an angry tirade against the US Government, Military, the manufacturer, and even the pilot. But this man --this man -- his first words? They were words of forgiveness, kindness, and grace. A manner in which I have not seen in a very long time. He asked for prayers for the well being of the downed pilot and even honored him as "national treasure"
before announcing that he didn't blame him at all.
I personally stand in awe of his strength to be so forgiving in the face of something that so easily could feed anger. He reminds me of the story of Job in the bible. His faith unwavering even when it seemed like God had forsaken him.
In this day and age of bailouts, welfare, recession, cutbacks, gimme, gimme, gimme etc. - This man makes me remember that you ought to be VERY thankful for what you DO have. Stop complaining about what you don't have - and spend that energy getting it for yourself. Tell the people you love - that you love them. Today. Not when they are gone -Which could be tomorrow.
(This picture was taken 10/17/08 - his newborn wasn't even 2 mos. old)
My father told me once - "whenever you are having a bad day - just think SOMEBODY out there is has it worse than you."
I kind of feel like that now. Are times rough. Yes. They could be worse - a lot worse. What am I gonna do about it?
My prayers go out to Mr. Yoon - his surviving family members and those that have passed on - Young Mi(Lee) Yoon , Grace Yoon and Rachel Yoon. I pray that he has strength in this time and going forward - and hope that someday he knows that he was a blessing to a lot of people - for reminding us to be thankful for what we have.
1 comment:
He really is a strong man. Not sure what my reaction would have been
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