This is a new topic for us here at Superill - the dummy of the day. This award will be given at random to individuals who not only commit but EXCEED the threshold for stupidity in their actions. Make no mistake NO ONE is above being a winner of the DUMMY OF THE DAY award - please watch your actions because - THIS TO COULD BE YOU.
Our first winner:
Illinois Govenor Rod Blagojevich!
Why you ask? If you have been anywhere near a T.V. today you know that Gov. Blago (as he is "affectionately" called) was picked up by the FEDS early this morning. What did he do to get an early morning wake up call from the G-Men? This DUMMY tried to sell off a Seat to the UNITED STATES SENATE!
Now all of that was ENOUGH for a DUMMY OF THE DAY nomination. But this is SUPERILL and we want 110%. So like we said you must not only commit the act but EXCEED the threshold of stupidity! Let's outline what got the good ole' Governor across the line - shall we?
#1) HE TRIED TO SELL A US SENATE SEAT! - (sorry but that was so dumb we had to say it again).
#2) He tried to sell the seat vacated by Pres. Elect Barack Obama. If there is one vacant seat in the world OTHER than the one in the Oval Office that Obama is ABOUT to fill (we know Dubya is still in office but you know how "absent" minded he is) - ITS THE ONE THAT HE JUST GOT OUT OF!!! HELLO!??!? Bueller!
#3) In the last 50 years of Illinois politics - there have been four other Governors. Want to know how many of them went to jail for corruption? - ALL OF THEM! So nobody really should have needed to pass a memo or at least a 2nd grade note that said - THE DAMN FEDS ARE WATCHING. Don't do anything stupid! - Signed "the Feds".
#4) Of the 6 years the Governor was in office - want to know how many he was KNOWINGLY under investigation? 5 years. The man gets elected in 02 ousting a GOP candidate who was going to jail for corruption. 1 year later he is under investigation for corruption (misuse of State property/resources)..But does he slow down.. OH NO.. NOT OUR WINNER - he goes and tries to sell off the highest profile piece of political leverage the state has ever known!
#5) To top it off - the man was being wire tapped - and knew it - and STILL said all of the stuff that got him caught up (and his wife, friends, and staffers so far). Then he goes on T.V. and pratically DARES the Feds to come and get him. I don't know about you but if I did something shady and the feds were watching across the street. I am not going to do anything to provoke them - right?
Not this Governor check out his "swag":
There he is folks. You very first SUPERILL dummy of the day. Please send other candidates to superillblog@gmail.com.
This has been brought to you by Superill correspondent Pol-E-Tix.
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