I posted the response below on CNN.com to an article about White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers stepping down. The comments section on the article had a number of darts being thrown at the President himself and it just sparked a flame in me. I'm tired of these people
I am so sick of all these Right-Wing, Conservative-Crazy, GOP, Tea-bagger or whatever other name this month you can come up with -HATING on the President and his agenda. WHERE IS YOUR PLAN!?.. I'm not calling you racist. I'm asking you WHERE IS YOUR PLAN? Should there be a LOYAL OPPOSITION? YES - BUT WHERE IS YOUR PLAN!!!?????!?!
You jump off a cliff with "Oh he said unemployment wouldn't go above 8% now its at 10%". Of course it went up - you all been throwing acid in the mix since day one - slowing down EVERYTHING He's trying to do to help!
But where is your plan? Everything is typical "PARTY OF NO" or "PARTY OF SLOW". I haven't seen any one plan on the part of the Republicans or Conservatives in general to fix any of the problems the country is facing. 90% of anything coming out there mouths is about what's wrong with what the Pres. Obama is doing - not about the GREAT ALTERNATIVE PLAN that they have. Because they don't have one. Never have - and probably won't ever have one. Because they don't spend ANY time on it. They would rather go on a witch hunt for every Democrat, White House Staffer, etc. , etc. etc. (like this poor lady) in an attempt to embarrass this President and his administration. Or go on TV and twist the specifics or flat out LIE about legislation like Health Care Reform.
Sponsoring a bill and then voting against it? Since when does that make sense. Maybe Republicans are more like Toyota staffer -"uh I'll build the car - but there's no way you'll get me to drive it". That's sounds like a A+ plan (not).
You all just need face the truth - your true desire and efforts are for this administration and this President to fail -and that doesn't make you PATRIOTS it makes you cowardly Sabotage artist afraid of change.
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