First off - let me apologize for not posting more often. I've been really busy in general and some things came up here and there that demanded my attention. Moving right along.
So I've been giving some side-eye attention to the latest CNN news series on "Broken Government". The stories basically are trying to dig into why the political process takes so long in most cases and is completely stagnant in a lot of others. It also explores the lack of trust we as citizens have in our political leaders (something that actually not a new trend by any means).
On both questions I'd have to say that I fit exactly what they are describing. It is beyond me how people who profess to be leaders can't seem to compromise on ANYTHING in order to get SOMETHING done. Officials are so busy focusing how to keep their job they've forgotten to DO their job (which really isn't a "job" its an honor and privilege something I think they've forgotten). Its not all their fault - we are just as much to blame. How? I'm glad you asked because I've been dying to say this - BECAUSE WE ELECT THE SAME LAME BRAIN, PLAIN JANE, INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE, -whack jobs into office over and over again.
These people are more interested in the sound of their voice, and position in the party than the promises that we expect them to keep. When they don't get anything done -we listen to some 20 second ad saying how they "stood up to big government" and "fought to lower your taxes" sponsored by "". And its all BS but we believe it anyway...or even worse we don't believe it and then we DON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT (i.e. - putting them right back on the bench come next election). It is my sincere belief that if the standard for staying in Washington D.C. was actually GETTING SOMETHING DONE (that can be verified without question) then we'd have leaders more focused on spending time on task and less time on TV.
As citizens we have the most important weapon for control of government - our vote. But its power has been skillfully reduced by adding RIDICULOUS amounts of inefficiency to the political process. So much in fact that most citizens have lost their faith that their vote has any effect at all. This is sad. To make matters worse - we only exercise our political strength at times when a certain level of vanity is involved. I love President Obama but I am not a fool. I know that a lot of people voted for him AND the HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE of a first black President. I could tell because of how proud we were as a country that this "threshold" of sorts had been cost. "Look at us world -we are now a "post-racial society! - and if you believe that we'll sell add on a super safe TOYOTA too!". Don't get me wrong - I think we as a country made the right decision for the right reasons. I just think that we started feeling ourselves a little too much for the wrong reasons. Too many people adopted this "the battle is over -we HAVE overcome" attitude. Hogwash I say. The good thing is that I hope people remember how good it felt in that moment. To win one - by a couple of touchdowns too. With a team of all kinds of people. But I fear its more like the Boston Red Sox winning the World Series and then all the major players being traded immediately after (how you gon' break up the Temptations people!??!!??). You get the win and then everyone loses the spirit and spend the next four years in a "rebuilding" phase. Wackness.
Look I see this whole process as a cancer that we are trying to fix with Chemotherapy. And its only making us more sick. I say remove the tumor as a whole and give us the power back to choose for ourselves!
Here is what I propose. Instead of wasting time putting trying to pass bills through Congressional votes - put them back regular quarterly ballots for a popular vote (enough with this electoral college BS). Its too much to have the bills come up at random all the time -that would be hard to organize. But we would have a major popular vote every 3 months. The only thing that Congress would do is to serve as a filter of sorts to keep the legislation effective overall and helping craft the laws. During the vote the people could vote to accept a bill as law with a yes vote or reject it with a no vote. If they agree only partially with the bill then they can vote on any proposed amendments that have been presented on the legislation. Majority wins.
Look if American Idol can do this - we should be able to as well. I refuse to even entertain any notion that it can't be done (as a matter of fact that's the same reason I'm proposing this at all). Its a simple solution to a huge problem. But isn't that what we all want? A less complicated process. Something that works? That we have a fair, loud, and effective say in? I think this can work I really do.
But then again what do I know? I'm just a citizen.
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