Wednesday, December 10, 2008

An very inspirational man - Dong Yun Yoon.

You may have saw the news story about the F-18 crash out in San Diego, CA that killed 4 people 2 women and 2 small girls. Well all of them were the family of one man Dong Yun Yoon..

Now we have all experience death - and I would never minimize anyone elses loss. But this man lost his wife and 2 young daughters and mother in law in the blink of an eye. Gone. I can't imagine losing anyone that close to me right now - let alone 4 people that close to me in one moment.

Its obvious that there is some negligence on the part of the U.S. Navy or Boeing (St. Louis based manufacturer) - for what appears to be an complete engine failure.

It would have been easy - and COMPLETELY justified for Mr. Yoon to break into an angry tirade against the US Government, Military, the manufacturer, and even the pilot. But this man --this man -- his first words? They were words of forgiveness, kindness, and grace. A manner in which I have not seen in a very long time. He asked for prayers for the well being of the downed pilot and even honored him as "national treasure"

before announcing that he didn't blame him at all.

I personally stand in awe of his strength to be so forgiving in the face of something that so easily could feed anger. He reminds me of the story of Job in the bible. His faith unwavering even when it seemed like God had forsaken him.

In this day and age of bailouts, welfare, recession, cutbacks, gimme, gimme, gimme etc. - This man makes me remember that you ought to be VERY thankful for what you DO have. Stop complaining about what you don't have - and spend that energy getting it for yourself. Tell the people you love - that you love them. Today. Not when they are gone -Which could be tomorrow.

(This picture was taken 10/17/08 - his newborn wasn't even 2 mos. old)

My father told me once - "whenever you are having a bad day - just think SOMEBODY out there is has it worse than you."

I kind of feel like that now. Are times rough. Yes. They could be worse - a lot worse. What am I gonna do about it?

My prayers go out to Mr. Yoon - his surviving family members and those that have passed on - Young Mi(Lee) Yoon , Grace Yoon and Rachel Yoon. I pray that he has strength in this time and going forward - and hope that someday he knows that he was a blessing to a lot of people - for reminding us to be thankful for what we have.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 : Dummy Of the Day award.

I am helping my partner Vandalzym out with his blog - check it out. Here is my first contribution.

This is a new topic for us here at Superill - the dummy of the day. This award will be given at random to individuals who not only commit but EXCEED the threshold for stupidity in their actions. Make no mistake NO ONE is above being a winner of the DUMMY OF THE DAY award - please watch your actions because - THIS TO COULD BE YOU.

Our first winner:

Illinois Govenor Rod Blagojevich!

Why you ask? If you have been anywhere near a T.V. today you know that Gov. Blago (as he is "affectionately" called) was picked up by the FEDS early this morning. What did he do to get an early morning wake up call from the G-Men? This DUMMY tried to sell off a Seat to the UNITED STATES SENATE!

Now all of that was ENOUGH for a DUMMY OF THE DAY nomination. But this is SUPERILL and we want 110%. So like we said you must not only commit the act but EXCEED the threshold of stupidity! Let's outline what got the good ole' Governor across the line - shall we?

#1) HE TRIED TO SELL A US SENATE SEAT! - (sorry but that was so dumb we had to say it again).

#2) He tried to sell the seat vacated by Pres. Elect Barack Obama. If there is one vacant seat in the world OTHER than the one in the Oval Office that Obama is ABOUT to fill (we know Dubya is still in office but you know how "absent" minded he is) - ITS THE ONE THAT HE JUST GOT OUT OF!!! HELLO!??!? Bueller!

#3) In the last 50 years of Illinois politics - there have been four other Governors. Want to know how many of them went to jail for corruption? - ALL OF THEM! So nobody really should have needed to pass a memo or at least a 2nd grade note that said - THE DAMN FEDS ARE WATCHING. Don't do anything stupid! - Signed "the Feds".

#4) Of the 6 years the Governor was in office - want to know how many he was KNOWINGLY under investigation? 5 years. The man gets elected in 02 ousting a GOP candidate who was going to jail for corruption. 1 year later he is under investigation for corruption (misuse of State property/resources)..But does he slow down.. OH NO.. NOT OUR WINNER - he goes and tries to sell off the highest profile piece of political leverage the state has ever known!

#5) To top it off - the man was being wire tapped - and knew it - and STILL said all of the stuff that got him caught up (and his wife, friends, and staffers so far). Then he goes on T.V. and pratically DARES the Feds to come and get him. I don't know about you but if I did something shady and the feds were watching across the street. I am not going to do anything to provoke them - right?
Not this Governor check out his "swag":

There he is folks. You very first SUPERILL dummy of the day. Please send other candidates to

This has been brought to you by Superill correspondent Pol-E-Tix.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

In search of "Black Love"

Its no secret. Aliah and I take great pictures (LOL) - and yes we do have a great relationship (wedding bells ringing!) - but I often wonder why we end up the local poster children for "black love". I mean don't get me wrong - we appreciate all of the positive support, compliments and all. Its just that sometimes people make me feel like what we have is not just rare but almost impossible to attain.

Do you really believe that?

Think about it. Most references to black love these days aren't really about its existence but rather the lack thereof. Articles are all about how to find it (is it lost?), and how to make the best of it (is it sub-par somehow?), what to do in its absence (inter-racial dating tips?), etc. etc. etc. - I don't really believe all of that. I don't think that any of us are that forgone that we can't have "black love" or any love for that matter. Instead I think the problem is that well - we are too focused on "the problem."

Its kind of like being in a pool for the first time. When you jump in your mind is telling you that you will drown - so you freak out. When the truth is the - you are actually surrounded by something that is key to you very existence and if you let it do what it do and act accordingly it not only can keep you afloat. It can keep you alive. Funny right?

To keep it on water references - I think people really are TOO FOCUSED on the glass being half empty rather than being half full. Most of the time is spent complaining about what's wrong with your potential partners as opposed to exploring whats right with them. We're always on the lookout for the first sign of trouble - so much we probably miss the bright lights of opportunity in the people we meet.

If you really think about it -your top 10 list of goals/attributes for a potential mate is actually more of of constraint than a guide. It seriously limits your options. You are practically running a persons resume as they approach you. Some of the most successful pairings are people that you wouldn't ever consider viable mates. But in the end they work. What if those people had been as closed minded? Hmmm...

(Ok maybe not that last one...)

It is true that both sides really need to step it up on the interpersonal skils (yes both sides) but I think there needs to be a "return to basics" for the masses. Really get back to getting to know people vs. meeting potential sutors. Everyone is not a candidate for husband/wife. It takes time to figure that out. And you can't figure it out overnight (especially in bed).

Black Love is not a commodity. Its not this rare gem that you can't find in everyday life. Its not the impossible dream or reserved for Hollywood hills

Nor the White House

Black Love just like any love is all around you. It requires risks and faith. Support and communication. An open mind and an open heart. If you don't have these things - black love won't be the only thing you are missing out on.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Economy finally hits home. Time for a new deal..

You know we have heard about "tough economic times" for at least the last 5-6 years. That message never really hit home to me - even when I quit my last job and was looking to find another. At that time - I seemed to be the only person who didn't have a job - so it wasn't really a "global" problem if you will. Now, the shoe is on the other foot - I have a job (crossing fingers now) - but daily I hear about people in my circle that are recently unemployed. That may not seem like much to you - but think about. Can you ever remember a time when at least once a day - EVERY day - you talked or heard about someone in your network of friends and associates being out of a job? I surely can't.

In a time of bailouts, stimulus packages, and "fundamental" differences on economic policy - I really don't hear any long term solutions. I mean think about it - they gave these large banks and lending companies a bailout in order for the companies to begin issuing loans again - what did they do with it? Horde it away. They put out the economic stimulus package earlier this year - what did we all do with it? Pay debt. No real positive effect on the economy at large as intended.

To me - really what it comes down to is a very unbalanced equation. There is a lot of $$$$ going to a lot of different people for little or no real return on investment. Let's be serious. What good does it do us to bailout the BIG 3 automakers so they can build more fuel efficient cars -if we really aren't going to buy them? Aside from some references in a few rap lyrics - fuel efficient cars still are far from being not only mainstream - but the preferred type of transportation.

I could go on and on about the problems - you all know what they are so there is no need. I think what we need as a country is something to produce - something that either we can sell/export to other places or that gives us a a competitive advantage here in world.

A long time ago President Roosevelt (FDR that is)

came up with a new plan called the "THE NEW DEAL" - where instead of just giving away money to the public to help them financially - he actually put them work! I think a similar plan could work here.

For example we keep talking about alternative fuels and energy independence right?
(BRACE YOURSELF). What if we stopped welfare for able body adults under the age of 60. Instead of giving money to people through welfare - we would start a program to build better mass transit systems (light rails, fast trains, etc.). The money from the program cuts could be used to pay the workers during training and through project completion. This way they are gaining valuable skills and work experience. In the global economy they may be even able to turn that page into a long standing job -internationally.

Before you say it - this is not an attack on the poor or homeless. I am just saying that money invested into the American people - they should get something back right? And I don't mean taxes - something that really helps us grow.

Not just singling the poor either.

There needs to be more safeguards to address all of the corruption and bad decision making out there. I am a fan of free markets as well - but if its broke fix it. Right now we don't have anything to make sure people are on the up and up or at least making good decisions for the long term. Stop these companies from playing Monopoly with peoples 401K.

Instead of sending these corporate level CEO-s to band camp for 1-2 years. Send them to

We all know thats not going to happen anytime soon. So as a family of friends we need to come together and really have each others back. Keep your friends on alert to any job opportunities that may come.

In the meantime - take care of each other.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wedding Website is up!

On the "its getting real scale" nothing has topped getting joint bank accounts. However, this ranks as a close second. I did this website myself - so I'm extra proud. (and forever thankful for the templates out there - whew!)


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Blackberry.. I have crossed over to the dark side of the force

So its true what they say - the blackberry is addictive. I mean but you kind of have to expect that right? We live in a SUPER connected world (come on - twitter? that's too much) - it so important for us these days to "reach out". The blackberry takes all of the need and channels it into this handheld device. Giving you access to all of your inter-connected vices 24/7. Too much.

My first night - a erroneous decision to link it to my gmail account (and consequently favorite list serves) - led to alerts through the night and little sleep for my fiance. Our bedroom may very well be a:

(What? ~I hadn't even read the manual yet - and the guy at the store set it up! What was I to do? I didn't know!). But I am pretty slick with the tech gadgets so a quick internet cry for help (again to the list serve), a couple of downloads and I am all good. Ready to rock with the masses.

So that leads me to my next (and slightly more embarrassing point). There are a good portion of you that read this blog -who I HAD (that's right - past tense) telephone contact info for. Please take this "opportunity" to send me your preferred method of contact (cell phone, home phone, or PIN for all you other dark-siders LOL). No seriously I am not kidding - I need to repopulate all my precious contacts (all evidence to the contrary). Which now that I think about - probably will just further my addiction. LOL

P.S. - shout out to my Dacorna affiliates for the quick help. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Whole New World - YES WE DID!

Last night was amazing. Really it was. I mean I know that in a lot of parts of the world there were large outburst of joy - dancing in the streets. But really overall I think there was more pause than anything else. Not pause as in hesitation - but a moment of processing. I saw it in the faces of so many people - so many news reporters, people walking by - everybody - just taking a moment to really processed what just happened - and what it meant for the future.

I mean really think about it. What have we know for so long - limitations, doubt, discrimination - and I am not saying that just to Black people - because many Americans are part of many different kinds of minorities (a fact I think we forget all to often). But to know these invisible and intangible barriers for so long - to see one of them smashed - its well humbling. Its like waking up in your house - it looks like your house - smells like your house - but everything in you is telling you -this is not what your house really is like. Its strange. I feel like I moved to a new place - when I know that I haven't. Is this America? The United States of America? Yes.. Yes it is.

Then the emotions came. People really started to either just simply celebrate - or cry tears of happiness. Knowing what this meant for our parents, and their parents, and for so many who really DIDN'T get to see this day.

The passing of Obama's grandmother all of a sudden really did hit home in a very real way.

Next the celebration - I mean because you have to celebrate - I even saw my pastor out celebrating - its all good --nah its all great. I watched as groups of people stood with our eyes and ears glued to the TV screen to listen to his acceptance speech. Hitting down the road in to uncharted territory. I felt like quoting Star Trek "to boldly go where no one has gone before".

Yeah - we were celebrating.

But then he said something - what lies ahead may not be easy and that it would take some time. The words brought it back to me - what this REALLY means. YES we have reached a great moment in history. But now there are many more to write. A quote from the late President Kennedy came to mind- "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country".

I hope people really learned the lesson of November 4, 2008. The lesson is not that a Black Man can be President in the United States. The real lesson is that with a little effort and sacrifice (say 2 hours or more in line voting) a group of people can really change and or affect the world, our history, and our collective future.

Realizing that - the question is simple - what future do we choose? Do we choose to make this presidency about simply getting elected - or about a great administration - the revival of the US to is former prominence and respect in the world. Or do we simply concede to "dancing in the streets"? What are we willing to sacrifice to make ourselves better? And make no mistake there WILL be sacrifices.

So there it is... all of this searching for an answer to our problems and the answer is a question:

What are you prepared to do?

Monday, November 3, 2008

A fitting tribute... RIP Madelyn Dunham (Grandmother of Barack Obama) -[video]

I am pretty sure that everyone can relate to the genuine desire to impress your parents and your family. Well tragically Barack Obama's last living parental influence has passed away. Though her story and her accomplishments as a woman, citizen, mother and a grandmother will live on in history books - its still a sad thought to think she won't be able to witness this great day we have upon us.

It really goes to show that you need to give flowers to people while you can. Tell them you love them and show them you love them while you can. I think about my grandparents that have passed on - and how I would have liked for them to have met my future wife or the kids I may one day be blessed with - and its sad that they won't. So I can feel Sen. Obama when he lets a tear fall to deal with the pain of loss- we understand.

Its interesting with all of the "he thinks he's the messiah" comments from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and others - I wonder what they are saying now? when he has this very human moment. I hope they at least have enough respect to not mock this moment or its sincerity. And us? What are we going to do.. I say we lift him up - make tomorrow the climax of one of the greatest stories in American history. Not just the story of Barack Obama - but of Madelyn Dunham as well.

I just wanted to comment and send my condolences out in my own way - like so many others. At first I just thought it sucked that she didn't make it to see tomorrow. But actually seeing this speech moved me to tears. So I gotta say something about the moments that move me.

If you can't see the video above use the link below:

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Change Manifesto - Yes We Can..

Do you see this picture? This is a 2004 picture of several hundred Florida voters still in line 2 hours AFTER the polls were supposed to have closed for the day. Its also a reminder of the types of things that can put a last minute hitch in the plan to bring about "change we need". They say that those that fail to plan - plan to fail, and a lot of times its the little things - not one thing - but a number of smaller issues combining to create HUGE problem. That's my concern for November 4th - and I think it should be yours too.

Voter turnout is expected to be extremely high this year - more than ever before. While we can't say we've seen these kinds of numbers before. This is not the first time we have faced high voter turnouts. While the number of voter registrations have gone up the last 3 elections - we are still seeing similar "turnouts" with regard to actual votes. I think that is an inaccurate assessment. I find it hard to believe that so many people would register to vote - but ultimately fail to actually cast a ballot. Is it impossible? No. But for so many people to do it - is unlikely (at least to me). So where does that leave us? If people are registered to vote, and have an opportunity to do so, what's keeping them from the ballot box?

The answer is simple -- themselves. They are in their own way.

Look again at the picture above. The polling place in this pic only had 5 voting machines. FIVE! That ultimately kept all these people out of the booths - maybe out of the election altogether. How many people had to step out of line to make it to a job - or to go home and tend to their family? That's understandable right? Look where it got us. We have got to do better. We have got to do more.

Let's face it - the GOP is behind bad - really bad. The way I see it, they really only have one shot to win - and its not cheating. Its sabotage. Not in the sneaky computer virus sense. But rather by slowing down the process - making it difficult for people to cast their vote or trying to prevent them from casting it at all. Last but not least (especially thanks to ACORN) - if it's close - influencing a recount. It would be a dirty win, probably creating a new rift of bitterness for years to come. Do you think their not up to it? What to know what I think? I don't want to find out.

So here are my 3 points of advice for everyone getting ready to cast their votes in less than 48 hours (early voters I envy you!):

1) Be aware - study up on your local voting laws (they vary by state). You don't have to do law school crash course. Just make sure you know:

a) Where is your polling place?

b) What types of ID are required to cast your vote?

c) The proper response to any challenges to your vote.

YES THERE COULD BE SOMEONE THERE CHALLENGING YOUR BALLOT - don't make a scene. Simply ask what must be done to address that situation and handle it. No sense in making a scene that will slow down the process for more people. But if you take care of the first two points - you should be good.

2) Be prepared - again - make sure that before you leave to go to the polls - that you have everything you need as far as ID goes. But don't stop there. Check the weather - make sure you are dressed to get through any rain, sleet, or snow (HEY ALASKA!). Going to be there for awhile Take a lunch or a snack. We already know lines are going to be long - get ready for it. Above all make sure you set aside enough time to be able to get to the polls and cast your ballot no matter what. I know that most workplaces cannot penalize your for exercising your right to vote - but you gotta be smart folks. Get together tomorrow (Monday Nov. 3rd) with the people at your job - if need be -and decide who is coming in early and who can come in late. There are going to be plenty people up at the crack of dawn this go around - so don't just rely on being an early morning voter. Be ready for whatever. Whatever you do - don't wait until after 5pm to try and cast a vote. If you do - stay there until you get your chance to cast your ballot.

3) Be there - nothing that I've typed will mean a thing if you don't actually go cast your ballot. I mean REALLY cast your ballot. Its not going to be enough to say "Oh well I went - and the line was too long." Or "I couldn't find a way to get there." Most polling places are LITERALLY within safe walking distance from your residence. Find out where you are supposed to be - and BE THERE to cast your vote. When you are done - if you have time - help others cast their vote. The more we get on the record - the better.

"You'll be on your way - when you get out of your way" - Eddie D. Holman IV

Let's get out of our own way. We can do this. We just have to be smart about it. We've been very smart thus far - lets finish strong.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Music Review: T-Pain Feat. Ludacris

I admit at first I wasn't a big T-Pain fan. But I have to give dude his props. For a one-trick pony, he sure knows how to ride it to the legs fall off. Good news for him - seems like its a young pony and he's got a long ride ahead of him. I am really feeling this last track "Chopped and Screwed" - its a great concept that he executes well from start to finish. I am not sure how Houston natives will feel about putting an ATL rapper on the track - but it doesn't matter because Luda killed it (as usual - can someone give this man his due! PLEASE!).

Anyway if you can't see the video link above here you go.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Miss me with that bull.....

In the last week - maybe even in some months - its become very apparent to me how necessary it is to cut negative people out of your life. They can be like a disease - and the greater your exposure to them - the greater your chances of being affected by them. A lot of times we let the "ties that bind" become the ties that blind. Blinding us to the fact that while we are trying to stick around and help these people out or help them up - they are really just bringing us down. In the end - is that really acceptable? Why does everyone have to suffer because one person can't get it together? Doesn't make sense to me.

Aliah and I were watching "Raising the Bar" (good show on TNT - check it out) - and one man was telling another "Having you in my life makes me a better person." And the second man turned to the first and said "yeah but it makes me worse." That's deep. Again I believe you can help others at your own expense - but it begs the question how much is too much?

I have always believed that "God helps those who helps themselves" - and I should be the same way - helping those who not only really need it - but aren't going to make my efforts in vain - because I wouldn't waste another persons time and energy. Lately I have noticed people that are negative in nature or drawn to negativity seem most likely to waste my time and energy.

One of the easiest ways to recognize negative people is - nothing is ever their fault. Its always "the world" bearing down on them. Constantly dodging responsibility. I am far from perfect - so I am trying hard not to judge but its hard. I find myself constantly reminded of words from a more "focused" time in my life.

"Excuses are monuments of nothingness. They build bridges to nowhere. Those who use these tools of incompetence are master of nothingness, therefore worthy of nothing".

I wish more people took the words of another poem that inspired me along the way.

"When you are up against trouble meet is squarely face to face" and "Running from it will not save you".

The poem those lines come from is called SEE IT THROUGH - if you don't know it already (..ahem Bruhz) - read it.

But back to the topic. Why help people that are only dragging you down? Don't get me wrong -this isn't about community service or outreach. There has to be something for people to come to for help - so I am not dissing that. But I am saying when you extend YOURSELF - personally to help another and all it does is continue to bring you down? Nah - that's a no go. You gotta cut that out like a malignant tumor. Because thats what it is - something that eats you and makes you do more and more to serve it - and for what? What did you do wrong? Nothing right!?!?

Its up to that person to get their act together - not you.

I don't get paid to teach, but I can lead by example. So from now on if the helps is flowing from this direction - its my way or the highway. Show me that you are taking that help seriously and there is plenty more where that came from. Any BS - and you know what they say "Fool me once...."

Sorry for the rant - I had to vent - for real.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama Tax Calculator

You have got to try this. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Funny Video: Wassup 2008

This is a dope "rewind" of sorts. I won't ruin it for you - just watch. It really kind of sums up all the BS we've dealt with. Over the last few years. The ending makes me wish they would have aired this on TV a few times. But that's just me being sentimental.

If you can't see the embedded video here is the link:

Let me know what you think.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Nail in the coffin

So if you've been paying attention to the last few days of the presidential election - you've surely heard all the drama about Gov. Palin bucking against the McCain campaign - and them calling her "a diva" in response to her rebellion on the campaign trail.

All I have to say - how is it that McCain can say that Obama is not "ready to lead" when he can't even keep his VP candidate in line. Just to be clear - that has NOTHING to do with her being a woman - but it has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that as a VP candidate she is CLEARLY second in command. What does that say about his leadership abilities?

Lets not even stop there - what about all of these prominent Republicans coming out and admitting that she was a bad choice for the VP slot. Then to top it off (as if it wasn't sweet enough already) people WITHIN the campaign are now admitting that Gov. Palin fell short of being qualified on a number of issues during the vetting process - but they were ignored. Now that probably comes as no surprised to a lot of people - what's really shocking is these campaign members feeling compelled to put it out to the mass media. Its certainly not helping their candidate - so again - if McCain can't select people to not only run a good campaign but to stay on message and loyal to it - what does that say about his ability to lead?

There is a chance that Democrats could take 60 seats in the Senate - and a solid run of the House too. So now McCain (almost waving the white flag) has moved on to saying that we should fear letting the Democrats have that much control. I say - why the hell not. Lets try something different where can get something done without sooooooo much resistance and bickering back and forth. If they mess it up - I am not above giving them the boot too. Right now the GOP should stop whining about the lack of support from the media, uneven fundraising, voter fraud, and all the other wackness they are bringing up. The simple fact is that they aren't very popular right now - they haven't done much to fight it off - and they have to deal with their own failures.

The endorsement of Gen. Colin Powell was the final nail in the coffin. The "mayday" or S.O.S - the ship is going down. Its over in my opinion. Seems like even the most radical parts of the opposition agree. Today there some neo-nazis were arrested by the FBI for plotting to kill Sen. Obama. If they didn't think he might win - I don't think we would be hearing about that. Don't you agree?

So I say - get out your hammer - your vote. Put the nail in the coffin for the GOP campaign.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Got a bad case of...

Writer's Block - Sorry that I have been gone so long folks. But I just haven't been "inspired" to write anything lately. I don't know if I am just focused on other things or if the world has just gotten THAT boring. What do you all think?

All of my "usual suspect" topics have gotten pretty lame duck - wouldn't you say?.

The ELECTION: Barack is up. McCain is throwing everything including the kitche sink at him. Its not working because he should have been focusing on how we are all paying for the high gas bills, for the hot water, that goes in that kitchen sink, in the the house we can no longer afford. (FYI that's a metaphor - I don't own a home yet...and at this rate...... but let's move on). Anyway - the point is all the fireworks right now are more annoying than anything else. We all want the big show right? Truth is I am just as excited about voting November 4th and the potential results - as I am scared of them. I'll let you dwell on that.

Relationships: I used to freely blog about my own personal relationship - but became a little weary of living in a glass house. Its bad enough people watch us like hawks - there is no point in adding fuel to the flame with an official weblog of our ups and downs (yes we have them we are human). But again - wedding is still on, we still live and love together. No story there (unless you were betting against us - shame on you). I also used to put my views on random issues regarding the relationships of people around me. Well either they got it together or they aren't telling me about it (or maybe they don't like ending up "anonymously" in my postings) - either way. Nothing much to say their either. Hopefully somebody will call me with something sooner or later.

Music: Man I haven't bought new music in a minute. Nothing has come out that has even slightly piqued my interest. Hip-hop ain't dead but it sure is boring right now. The other problem I have is for as much as I want to support my favorite artists. I don't need to by their records. I spend so much time around mass media that I hear their stuff ALL the time. So why buy it when I can get it for free (whether I like it or not). I do have ONE new jam - it kind of fits Aliah and I (well really more her - but its sexy - nothing else to say - enjoy).

Nightlife: Things have slowed down quite a bit here in the STL. I am not sure if that is any reflection of things nationwide but I suspect it's similar. Its a little harder to justify buying rounds when you are not sure if you next paycheck is guranteed. A better decision to save the gas money it takes to make it to that happy hour. Or better yet even just making sure to get your sleep so that you are 100% tomorrow morning vs. Henry the Hangover in the cubicle or office next to you. I am not a fan of the slow down - but I understand - and I have adjusted my behavior accordingly.

And with that.. I am off to bed.. Good night folks!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wall St. Bailout = Greatest Heist in History?

I know what I said a couple of weeks ago with regard to the financial crisis "we have to do something". At that time I said that I understood that while the act would be painful it was necessary for the survival of our economy or rather the greater good.

Well that was last week.

Now I am sure all of you saw what happened in the short period since then - if not I highly suggest that you NOT look at your current 401K balance. To put it simply - ignorance is bliss.

That's kind of the way I feel about how this whole bailout thing played out. I wish I didn't know. Because right now its not my college level math skills that are ticking me off. Its my 3rd grade ones.

How is it that a week ago - House Republicans and Senators couldn't agree to pass a bare bones $700 Billion bailout package - saying it was too costly to the American people? Then turn right around and pass it faster than a post Exlax meal after $150 Billion of Pork Government Spending (translation - unecessary) was added to it? I am sorry since we did $850 billion become less costly than $700 billion. Please let me know so that I can register for some remedial mathematics courses.

No need - we all know it. The fact is that the people that we trust to "handle our business" screwed us over. And they did it in the name of "acting in our best interests". Its BS people (no EXLAX needed here).

I am not saving my fire for any one political party or candidate -because I think they all executed a plan of CYA here and I can't really see how it was done to benefit anyone more than the person signing the paper.

From my understanding - there were requests to add money for things as goofy as "puerto rican rum" to "arrow-manufacturers". WTF???!?! Just last week it was widely reported that more than 90% of the calls into congressional offices were flat out AGAINST any bailout for Washington. You mean to tell me that "Puerto Rican Rum" and "Arrow manufacturing" have THAT much affect on your voting public that you had to get that in there? Sounds to me like something else - LOBBYIST.

I don't believe that the American voters were given what they needed in this bill or the actions by ANYONE in the government right now. They were failed by the financial institutions and the government leaders that they elected.

My suggestion is that in this next election - you vote. And use your vote to send a very strong message to Washington DC. Any representative that voted to add more spending to this bill should be out - defeated in landslide - in order to send a message. Loud and clear. Don't mess with my stacks jack.