Ok so Sen. McCain just closed out the RNC with his acceptance speech - I thought it was pretty bland -no - it was boring -but he is not the most dynamic speaker so that was to be expected. What was up with the protester that made it to the convention floor? I couldn't see what was up so anyone who knows - let me in on it! And what's up with no coverage of it on CNN?
Moving on.
Overall I think it was a very "clean" speech and it finally had "some" focus on what his plan is for the national economy. My thing is for as much as he says there are big differences between he and Sen. Obama - the plans are very similar except on one major issue - who is paying for it. The tax cuts are either going to be for the middle class (Obama) or for the rich (McCain). Really its about where do you feel the impact of that. It could be argued both that getting the middle class more money would increase spending and help business owners profits. Or reducing taxes for the owners could help them have more money to put into their business - and employees right? Riiiigght.
Anyway a lot of the speech was directed right at the Republican party - and rightfully so. Tonight the "Old McCain" (the one I liked) showed up, acknowledged his parties leaders, and them put them in the past by saying that he was in charge now. He chastised them for 12 years of failures and said that he came to change it and lead them in the new and right direction. Party politics aside - I was glad to hear this. This may be the end to the extreme conservative movement - and that's a good thing. Its kept us stagnant for way too long. My favorite line of this speech was the one about vetoing pork filled spending bills, finding their authors and "making them famous" (a good line is a good line).
Look - again it was a clean speech. We all can be sympathetic to a P.O.W, tisk tisk, tear tear. We appreciate you - really we do. But the question is what are you going to do as PRESIDENT. If your sales pitch is that you are going to fix the Republicans - then you really aren't my candidate. I think they could use a good 8 years (or more) sitting on the sidelines and realize that you have to get it right - OR ELSE. Plus - its really hard to believe that this party is going to change - OVERNIGHT or in the next 60 days. The first two days of this convention were filled with venomous GOP divisive rhetoric - all of sudden they are on a new path? I don't buy that. Especially when the one thing that got them ALL excited was the pick of a VP candidate straight out of the Right's playbook.
I hope McCain does whip them into shape - I do. But I don't think we should elect him president so that they can get their act together. Overall the very nomination of Sen. McCain has exposed that the GOP really aren't on one accord and don't know where they are going.
Score another one for Obama.
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