Friday, September 12, 2008

How getting married is kind of like an election..kind of..

I posted the video above a) because I don't know if everyone got to see it today. I didn't get too - and its A MUST SEE. (check out Part II here: ). I almost felt sorry for Sen. McCain. For like.. 2 seconds. I think the ladies of "the View" just got put on top of the "Most hated liberals in Media" - right next to Oprah. (Good job ladies...way to press them on the hard questions).

After seeing this video and a slick joke I made to our wedding planner about being the "presumptive candidate" for the office of husband - and not messing up my chances of getting "officially elected". (Its okay...sometimes - I am REALLY funny). It got me to thinking how getting married is kind of like getting elected President.

Think about it.

1) You start off as being single (a non-voter) and then when you come of age you begin to participate in dating (the political process - voting, activism, etc.)

2) You are categorized and socialize based off being a male or female. And each groups interests constantly compete with the others for dominance (Democrats vs. Republicans).

3) When you are ready you decide to settle down and take on the responsibility of a "committed relationship" of your choosing. Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Friends with benefits/Cutty Buddies/etc. (State or Federal Senators, Congress members, Civil Officers, etc.). You do this more than once in an effort to both be a good significant other (politician) but also to learn what you really want in relationship (your political legacy).

4) After numerous dates and failed relationships you decide you want to really settle and getting married (Run for President). So you make an announcement ("I don't want to be a player no more) then try and get yourself selected by a potential wife/husband (party primaries).

5) And once you find/are found by the right person you attempt to impress all their friends and family (campaign) only a small portion of which opinion really matters (electoral college) - get into arguments (debates), a proposal is made (big speech) and she says yes (being selected as the presumptive nominee) or no (back to the state/civic services).

6) A big party is planned to celebrate the engagement (convention).

7) More arguments (debates).

8) If nothing in the arguments gets you completely off track and no one cheats (spoiler like Ralph Nader) or suddenly decides to become gay (crossing party lines) - you have a wedding where you officially take on your new role in vow to it in front of god (general election/inauguration).

9) Then you go on a honeymoon - (election celebrations)

10) And move in making sure to remove all remnants of the previous administration (bachelor pad makeover).

What do you think? I know its not exact...but its pretty close!

1 comment:

Citizen Ojo said...

When the Ladies of The View ask harder questions than the Mainsteam Media we have got a problem!!!!!!!!!!