I think Gov. Palin may have just served her political jaw up on a platter. Her speech tonight while engaging, comedic, and extremely critical of Sen. Obama, Sen. Biden, and the Democrats - may have been a missed opportunity. An opportunity to be taken seriously.
Instead of a serious speech about her qualifications to be V.P. and what she will do to contribute to a better America - we got an audition for SNL. I guess Gov. Palin took those comparisons to Tina Fey waaaaay too seriously.
It could be argued that her comments were harsh at times - but I will just say that they are probably the most negative incarnations of old criticisms of Sen. Obama (He wants a time line for withdrawal - she says he wants to retreat in defeat, etc.). That's all fine and dandy - that's politics - make the other guy/gal look bad while you pump up yourself, etc., etc. But all things are best done in moderation - and Gov. Palin's speech lacked this - tragically.
Her speech could have been written (and delivered) by Rush Limbaugh himself - and if it had been -the response would be a "no-brainer" - pick-him apart until the vultures show up. But in this case because the source of the harsh criticisms was a woman (even though she didn't write her own speech - not a big deal - this is normal - I am just saying - let's not give her too much credit - even I sound good reciting Notorious B.I.G) - this becomes a "soft-touch" issue. Meaning that the Democrats have to appear not to be too harsh in their response - so they are not portrayed as beating up on her. But I think she may have allowed herself to be more than the usual target - able to take a blow or two from the "big boys" if you will.
So I would suggest that they initially dismiss the comments for what they were in presentation - comedy. However they can't ignore them. Again just as I advised on counter-attacking McCain - they need to do the same here. Stay away from the teenage pregnancy issue - and her family and kids overall - its hypocritical - the country is already playing that judging game - no need to feed into it especially when you already said that it should be off-limits anyway. Instead focus on Gov. Palin specifically - her lack of experience, her categorization of community organizers as not having "actual responsibilities", her praise for Sen. Obama and parts of his economic and energy plans less than a month ago, her support of Sen. McCain GOP primary opponents and none for Sen. McCain himself, her McDonald's drive through the vetting process, his age and her real potential to be in the Commander-in-chief - and the concerns about that. Above all things there should actually be no criticism based on her being a woman - period. Not only because its baseless - its just wrong.
The other issue is that this was an extremely divisive speech in his tone - and the country just isn't there in spirit. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that Sen. Obama message of change and a more unified America - is resonating with more people in the country. Whereas the McCain/Palin campaign has obviously decided to go with their tried and true method of winning an election - to scare the hell out of you. To make you say - yeah I know I am having tough times economically - but hey at least I am safe! (Sidenote: While the GOP campaigns so heavily on Homeland Security, National Defense, does anyone care that our worst instances of both of those issues (9/11 & Hurricane Katrina) happened on their watch? Something to think about..)
I do feel like that my advice my be preaching to the choir - because its not like this campaign doesn't have experience in dealing with fiery and more qualified female candidates.
Whatever the case - I think that this may get real ugly - and a Gov. Palin may be the only real casualty of tonight's speech in the long run.
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