So let me back up and set the scene. I am at the barber shop "Shack's Mid -City" downtown on Olive in the chair getting my look together. Its a fairly busy day considering its a Friday afternoon. Now there were a couple of white ladies hanging out in the shop. Since there wasn't anyone white in a chair - and they didn't seem to interact with anyone else like they were waiting on them - I assume that at least one of them were there to get a cut too. I also ASSUME (please don't kill me for saying this) - that they were of the lesbian persuasion (maybe it was the close cropped do's). But because I can't be sure of that we are just going to call them Hillary Supporters. Moving on.
Now on nice days at Shack's they keep the front door open so people can come and go as they please. So the door was open this day. Everything is going as usual - hair is getting chopped, washed, moisturized, twisted, braided, nuked (some of them chemicals ain't right--I am just saying) - and then this BROTHA rides through the front door on his bike. Rocking a bright yellow tee like he just dipped from the Tour de France.
Except his shirt wasn't a typical riding shirt. His shirt was more like the following:
(Not an exact match - but you get my point).
Now you could tell that most peoples reaction internally was:
But to our credit most people kept it together. However there was still that awkward 10 sec. moment of silence.
So Keith (the owner) asks if the guy wants to get a cut (CLEARLY he wasn't a regular). And the guy says "yes" sounding a lot more like Steve Urkel than usual - so all of a sudden - it kind of makes sense. He finds a place to store his bike and then comes back out to try and find someplace to sit.
So he is scanning the place.. (black, group of minority boys playing, wait..wait YES!) he goes to sit between the two white women in the shop. This was funny not only because of his selection. But they were seated only one chair apart and OBVIOUSLY having a closed conversation so for him to just plop down in the middle. They gave him the gas face for real like:
Yeah the "Hillary Supporters" were mos def giving the "you aren't welcome over here either playboy" vibe. Funny indeed.
Everyone is making eye contact with each other just to make sure that we are all on the "Can you believe this -ish" page. And we all are. But for the first time in my life I really wanted a camera phone. No - a smart phone so that I could snap and post it to the world. But I promised myself I would tell everyone about what happened because it was so funny. How you gonna come up here ROCKING that tee shirt like that's what's hot - and then go hide in the corner - and get the gas face from two white ladies chilling in black barber shop.
Only in America.
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