Friday, August 29, 2008

Congrats to Gov. Palin...(ahem)..but.

Ok you know I try not to post twice in one day - but I HAD to get this one cracking ASAP. Of course everyone knows by now that Sen. McCain chose Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice presidential running mate today - and the world is all abuzz about it.

Let me first say that I don't think this is a BAD thing. I don't have anything against her personally and I hope she represents herself well. Any opportunity for there to be more diversity amongst the ranks of Washington D.C. - that always has the POTENTIAL to be a great thing. So again - congratulations to Gov. Palin.


The number 1 criticism of Sen. Obama is that he isn't experienced enough to be the President right? The number one expectation of any vice presidential candidate is that they be qualified to lead on Day 1 if it ever comes to that - so how can you criticize him for not having any D.C. experience and then choose someone who has (wait for it....) - NONE! She has no experience at the federal government level. Yes she is a governor (state level) and former mayor (municipal) kudos to her- and yes that counts as being in a leader in a position to make decisions - but she has been there 2 years as a Governor in a state with a population just slightly less than Delaware. Where is all this vanglorius experience? Again - I am not going to bash her - she is doing her thing - who wouldn't want a chance to be V.P.? But I am FULL FLEDGED HATING ON the hypocrisy of John McCain, his campaign, and his party supporters.

THEN (can you tell I am pissed yet) when running down her qualifications - they come out with she's was on the PTA (?), she's an athlete (?), former basketball coach? Huh? Since when did torturing kids with suicide drills, and meeting over milk and cookies make you qualified to be Vice President? I am not saying that these are bad things to have done. I am just saying - how goofy was it to roll those out as reasons why you picked her? Next time just say that she is an All- American Mom and save us 20 mins ok?!?

This move would not have been so easily suspect - had he done it before the DNC when it became clear that things were growing to a fever pitch and they were in trouble. This ladies name was not even mentioned that often in serious contenders for the V.P. slot - and all of a sudden she is the best candidate? I am not buying it..This was done for shock and awe - mission accomplished - but now like she said " the ship must sink or sail".

To think that by simply putting on a woman on the ticket they can woo women voters from the democrats- insults the intents and ethics of the whole feminist and woman's suffrage movement. Will some be easily swayed - yes. But that doesn't excuse the move at all. Its like throwing a bone like to puppies - "hey girl... didn't get that Presidential slot? Come on over here for the V.P chance?!?! Yes..good girl". Rush Limbaugh even went on to say that she was a "babe" (she is a former pageant runner up to - guess that will go over well with the Saudi's right?) WTF?!?!

She opened herself up for a big time big time diss though. In her announcement speech she gave a nod to Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro - and the 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling. Big mistake. Anyone remember the when Dan Quayle got lambasted for comparing himself to JFK? Yeah something like that. (see below) (if you gotta go straight to you tube).
She is mos def not Hillary Clinton.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama's Acceptance Speech - We're Gonna Win!


I know some people are going to say that speech was a little more dry than what they were expecting-but I think it was with purpose. Like Obama said it wasn't about him it was about us. All of us - so that meant he was going to have to really B-R-E-A-K-I-T-D-O-W-N for everyone to digest. He did just that.

I was glad that he finally take on John McCain and got in the ring and threw some verbal haymakers too. He didn't back down and in fact stepped up to all of the B.S. that the Republicans have been throwing at him all summer. As we would say - its on now. I am sure that they are in crisis mode now - and get ready to dodge the kitchen sink because I think they are going to go over-kill with the negative campaigning. Really - its all they got left.

The best part of the speech was that he not only laid out his plan, and took on the Republicans, he challenged us as well - he kept it real. Yes there is a brighter future ahead..but we are going to have to take some load on ourselves to get there too. Government can do it all for us.

I am so ready to get it on now.. I hope you are too.

Just a final note - this was a moment in history - you saw the people watching in all over the country. In a park in California and in Times Square in NYC. This is going to be one of those moments that you remember for a long long time..

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Get on the Bus: History Achieved today...

Before you say it - I know I know - I have been blogging the play by play on the speeches. So of course you were expecting the review of President Bill Clinton's speech - WELL I MISSED IT! Its cool though I missed it because I was at church helping on a project. But you know I rushed home to catch the coverage and replays.

To my surprise in addition to the all of the glowing reviews of Pres. Clinton's speech that there was a lot of commentary about this history of the day- the OFFICIAL NOMINATION OF AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN BY A MAJOR PARTY FOR THE OFFICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

In those moments I had to pause and check myself about the levity of that. It was only a few years ago that we were so excited to see a black man and woman win an Academy Award and so many people blew off this official marking of Barack Obama's nomination. Why? I'll tell you why - because for as much as I love my grandparents and my parents - I have never walked in their shoes. And for as much as I have been able to witness in my 30 years as far as racial progress - in pales in comparison to what they have seen and had to endure. While just yesterday I wondered if I would see it in my lifetime - they lived in a time when it didn't seem possible - ever.

Next it occurred to me why - whether he wins or not in November - this moment - Aug. 27th 2008 is extremely historic to both African-Americans and women alike. Because for the first time they were able to bear witness to and or cast their official vote for the FIRST female or the FIRST African-American candidate with a REAL shot at being president of the United States. So on some levels - I apologize for some of my criticism of HRC supporters - because I now see why when something that seemed so impossible less than 10 years ago - you would want to see it through even though conceding it right at its cusps. As we say "I feel where you are coming from".

So I suggest to all - don't follow my lead and let the gravity of this come over you on accident. I chose the picture above to remind you to take some time to realize the world we lived in, the new world you live in, and what it can be.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You go girl II The Sequel: Hillary does her job!

I have to admit as I stated in previous blogs I was really worried about what Hillary would do and say in her speech at the DNC. Would it be more about her and why she felt she should have been elected? Was it going to be her pseudo-victory dance?

Well I am an honest man and I have to admit when I am wrong...and I was wrong. She came in and did her damn job. She didn't hit a home run. She hit the home run to win the world series with a grand slam. You know that scene in the action movie when the mentor falls on the sword to save the team - or the hero. Yeah - this was that moment. She touched on a number of emotional topics - and sold some authenticity in each one.
I was impressed to say the least.

I think this speech did wonders to erase doubts that she is and will be a prominent supporter to make Obama's presidency real. But I still fear that its wasn't enough.

As I am writing this I am watching a Hillary supporter, a woman, a black woman - who was brought to tears by the speech - but not because it moved her to support Barack Obama - but because she felt that this speech proved even more that Hillary should have won the Dems nomination. She said that Obama has "2 months" to convince her to give him his vote. Thats a sign a bad sign - a real bad sign. Here it is the lady that you pledge so much allegiance to just told you to move on..and move forward as DEMOCRATS. Not just Hillary and/or Obama supporters - and some still can't do it. I am hoping that time heals all wounds and fosters better judgment. But we will just have to see - as the lady said she surely will not vote for McCain - but she may not vote at all if she isn't convinced by Obama.

I think that kind of action (or rather lack therof) really is spiteful in spirit - and ultimately counterproductive. Hillary addressed this point - asking again - did you get into this just to support Hillary or for something bigger and better - our brigther future for us than the last 8 years. I just hope they all caught that point. Because we can't afford for them to try and figure it out for 2 months.


Clinton: ‘No way. No how. No McCain’
Clinton: ‘No way. No how. No McCain’

Monday, August 25, 2008

You go girl. Great Job Michelle Obama

I was moved by the speech of Michelle Obama - I was glad that she got up there and told her story and in turn OUR story. Not a black story, an american story. A story of families that work hard so that their children can have much more than they have. I think this speech will be a defining moment in this campaign. I have to admit for the first time since he (Obama) won the nomination - I feel another step closer to seeing a black president in my lifetime. I really hope this is a flash in the pan to help get people over that hump to move forward and way beyond our past - which really - is baggage. It has defined us for far too long.

To quote Mrs. Obama - its time we start choosing our leaders based on our possibilities and not our fears.

I found a small portion of the speech - in case you missed it.

This was a great great great speech. Shout to Sen. Ted Kennedy for holding it down too.

And for all of the GOP Haters....ahem... I mean pundits - here is a little tune for you.

The worst Rap song AND video..EVER..


Kings of Comedy: Font Conference

Courtesy of Aliah - this might be the funnies thing that I have seen all week - and its only Monday.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Summer of Sam: Hillary Supporters? Enough already!

Ok so after my weekend with my brother - I started to keep track of the Presidential campaigns again. I wasn't like overly enthused about the selection of Joe Biden as a running mate - not because I don't like him (I don't really know him), and not because he has made a verbal gaffe or two (I really believe the statements were taken out of context - blame the brain and not the heart). HOWEVER - what ticked me off the most was how the conversation gravitated IMMEDIATELY back to these Hillary Clinton supporters. All of this rhetoric about how disappointed that she wasn't the VP nominee, and how she, the Clinton's overall, and they as her supporters have not been shown enough "respect".


First off, the Dems Primary got ugly when - she (and they) took it there. Yes Obama supporters participated but I think its important to note the a lot of this negativity is rooted in something they started to begin with - and now can't seem to let go of. And since then he has been more than gracious and respectful to her - singing her praises and to her campaign for accomplishing a lot- but I guess that is not enough. Kissing ass is what you require? Fougettaboudit!

Next all of this "I am voting for McCain" - again not because they really believe in him as a candidate - but just to get back at the Obama campaign for this apparent lack of "respect" for them. What? There may be 18 million in support of Hillary but they all have one more thing directly in common with her - they are not the "Presumptive" (thanks Kelcey) Democratic nominee. You get what you give and I would say that the Hillary Clinton supporters have fallen short of the terms supportive and or respectful more than a few million times in the last 2 months - which brings me to my next point.

These people will say in the same breath that they are having problems with how their candidate has been treated, that she lost, but that they don't want her to be blamed if the DEMOCRATS lose the election. Well let me do the math for you people in the
cheap seats.

Throwing salt in the game for the Democratic Nominee + Voting for the opposing parties candidate = Republican Elected President come November = Barack Obama Loses = Dems Lose.

That easy enough for you? No? Try this -if you are worried about her/you not being blamed? Then add a few other variables to that equation.

Throwing salt in the game for the Democratic Nominee + Voting for the opposing parties candidate + Doing it under the banner of "Hillary Clinton Supporter"= Republican Elected President come November = Barack Obama Loses = Dems Lose = Hilliary Clinton is blamed for another "4 MORE YEARS!!!" of this BS.

Its time to tuck tail people. You are really starting to be that crazy wife who is about one more nagging or disrespectful comment - from being single again.

Your candidate got her due. You have gotten your due (and more media coverage than any losing campaign should ever have been afforded). Its time to Get up Get out and get something and QUIT YOUR BITCHING!

* This message was not solicited or sanctioned by the campaign for Barack Obama for President.

School Daze: 20 Years Later

So the family took a trip this weekend to celebrate my brother Daron "Snacks" Harris 23rd B-day. He was taking a nod from his big brother and throwing a rock'em sock'em party to celebrate (more on this later).

Everything was going great...great turnout. People came in there all white consistent with the theme. It was all good - until a fight broke out at the end. I am not going to get into the details because I don't like to perpetuate or celebrate violence. But the whole thing reminded me of some of my times in college when we would go to war with "the locals" of perceived disrespect. There was tension -almost like latent racism - just always there - under the surface - where it felt like they hated us for moving up or acting better than them - and we returned the favor for them being stagnant and embarrassing or contrary to our upwardly mobile views. What was really interesting was in reality how similar we were to each other.

But as usual - most people can't see the forest for the trees. Here it is they are complaining about you coming in and taking opportunities from them when on the flip you are there on a scholarship because your parents couldn't afford to send you to school out of pocket. Or you are working on work-study job for some pocket change.
Crazy isn't it - beefing over money that neither one of you has - we'll at least yet.
The truth is most of the kids that do graduate are probably on the next bus out of town - so what jobs are they really taking in the community? Again - not seeing the bigger picture. I get on the students because they are supposed to "know better" but a lot of them come from tough neighborhoods where backing down isn't always the #1 preference. So with respect to that - I understand that its tough to not get defensive when somebody comes at you.

All of it made me think about this scene from School Daze that really illustrates this point. If you watch the whole thing - it will show you actually several divisions - the poor vs the middle class , and the militant vs. the main-stream (a whole other blog). But anyway - the experience moved me so I thought I would share the nostalgia - enjoy.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Kiss & Tell...Why not? It sells!

I am a little confused with this new trend of "tell-all" books coming out from famous women (or semi-famous for various "reasons"). You had the Karrine Superhead Steffans....and that led all the way up to the Queen Barbara Walters gushing about her case of jungle fever. Now you got Kim Osorio (former Editor of the Source) and Faith Evans (formerly Mrs. Biggie Smalls) coming out with their tell everything behind the closed doors and under the sheets biographies.

I am kind of torn on this because part of me respects what we were taught growing up. To not kiss and tell - which really meant don't go putting all of your business out there in the streets. What you do in the bedroom - really should stay in there. Now I am not going to sit here and lie and say that I (or any of you - let's keep it all the way real) have NEVER gave up the goods on a romp (or two, or three - what?! Sue me!). But the point is that I was taught that and on some level knew it was wrong to do it. If that was like having a small weed habit...these books are like moving on up to heroin! Crossing that line and completely putting your business out there for the WORLD to see- FOREVER - not just a few homies around the way to help cover your tracks or mark a notch on your belt.

Then there is the other part of me that is like - shoot why not?! Guys have been getting PAID by exploiting women for the longest - why shouldn't these ladies be able to profit off of booty call or two or three? Its not like they broke some sacred oath to you. Nobody had to sign a privacy agreement. Chances are that he told somebody anyway - only difference is ..she told the world AND got a check. So what's the bigger infraction? Telling at all - or telling with no benefit to anyone except the poor schmuck who is getting his rocks off listening to your play by play from the night before?

I guess on some level you could say the rule is dead altogether. With all the Bachelor, Flavor of Love, Date my wife, Elimidate, etc. etc. etc. - going on T.V. - now who needs to write a book? You have people who are only face because they not only kissed and told - you got to watch them have at it right there on TV once a week (or more if its a hit - you know how MTV does it!).

But what does that mean for us morally? What does that say to our kids? I mean how can you tell them to be abstinent? When they be famous for getting some and putting it out there for everyone to see? Look at these great examples


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

There's a war going on outside...

I am still particularly bored with the race for president. I think that mostly because its has become politics as usual again. The Republicans are predictably on the attack and the Democrats are taking a "holier than thou" high road that may get them in the "What the hell happened" section of the evening news again. I listen to a lot of the news and AM radio and hear the attacks on Obama and the worst part about them are that they are UNCONTESTED!

We should all take a look at how in the people in the public eye are torn down and lose their stature when they don't actively defend themselves from defamation logged by opponents. There are classic examples

Bush (Sr.) vs. Dukakis

Bush (Jr.) vs. McCain (learn your history)

Bush (Jr.) vs. Kerry (can you say swiftboating)

and even
50 Cent vs. Ja Rule (remember how that played so sorry Ja)

Anyway the point is when you take this "he is just tripping" or "nevermind that because none of its true" road a lot of times you end up losing. I know that God said turn the other cheek but this is getting a little ridiculous. It has often been said that the critical mistake that the Obama campaign is making is by allowing McCain to define Obama vs. Obama defining himself. I heard a quote in a movie (ironically called the American President) that people could be led to drink sand in a desert - not because of their faith/following of a leader but rather because they couldn't tell the difference. Translation if you can convince people of something its no longer relevant whether its fact or fiction - it is REAL to them. So all summer - all these undecided voters have been hearing how "unprepared" Obama is, and how he doesn't have a real plan for the economy. Well if there is no definititve (and easy to understand) counter to that - who is to say that its NOT true. There is no one to "say" its not true so in effect it becomes true for many.

More recently polls have showed Obama's massive lead over John McCain is fading almost completely. I have some reservations as to whether or not all these people were polled consistently (McCain had practically been on snooze waiting for the Hillary to get out of the race). But at the same time I kind of have to believe it when Obama is kind of just cruising from day to day (2 vacations in the campaign so far...are you serious?)

Matter of fact the Obama campaign needs to take a lesson or two from the hip-hop battle book. While I don't think that Obama needs to "go negative" and actively attack McCain. I do believe that he should return to something that worked well with defeating Hillary - counterattacks. Anyone remember the "she knows better" line. That worked well - actively calling out what is a blatent attack and not just dismissing it but picking it all the way apart -utterly revealing its stupidity or irrelevance - then bringing up again and again why its being used to distract from the real issues. THEN present those out one by one.

I also think that Obama needs to take some hard lines on some of these issues. Not everything needs to be treated with rubber gloves. The situation with Georgia vs. Russia required a yes or no kind of stance and a what would you do reaction. McCain jumped at the opportunity (although I think that has more to do with him wanting a war that he can lead this country into and or through) - and caught most of the headlines and momentum from it. Lesson learned.

Next- its time to awaken the army for change that the Obama campaign had going so well. While its not in Obama's character to attack McCain - what does that have to do with the rest of us. If Rush Limbaugh can ask loose questions about Sen. Obama's religious background - why can't we actively question the issue of McCain's age? Or the political scandals he was caught up in over the years?. The only thing I would say is off limits is his wifes drug addiction - that's just rude to no end. But everything else? - Game On. (If you are really smart you will see what I just did and how easy it was to do it).

While I can appreciate that black folks are excited about the possibility of Black President - I think its high time we educate ourselves more about what electing Barack Obama (not just a black man) means for us - so that we can start defending it and projecting it in an educated manner. We can avoid missteps like the Bernie Mac or Ludacris flak and have more representations like this

Saturday, August 16, 2008

She's Gotta Have it: Ladies we're not worthy..really

So I was out at the Promoters, Inc. party last night (nice party by the way) and the ladies were OUT to say the least (wish I had more pics for you fellas - sorry). Aliah and I agreed that by and large the women were dressed very nicely (for a change). What was funny was how UNCOMFORTABLE they were. I saw way more than one girl playing with her shoe, squirming to get the sweet spot in those stilletos, making sure not to sweat through that material (or lack thereof) or sweat out that hair. I mean if you really think about it a woman's club outfit is a logistical work of art - really. But are they doing it for us? Us men - because if so - I fear its a bit of a waste.

Don't get me wrong - please believe that we do notice you. But I think its more about how you look in your outfit as opposed to what you have on. I was saying last night that for men - we could see just the silhouette of a woman and get turned on. LOL - some dude is going to be like - "man she thicker than a snicker - I'm going to holla!". I am just saying we see you..and we appreciate the looks - I promise - but I really believe that most mens thoughts gravitate towards how you would look out of those clothes vs. how you look in them. Wait....we start with how you look in them AND THEN start wondering about how you look out of them.

One thing I can promise - we almost NEVER make it all the way down to your shoes. Maybe your ankles - maybe. But not the shoes. Now some men have a foot fetish and I guess you have to cover all the bases when you are out that trying to "catch a hot one". But do yourself of favor -stop torturing yourself - Be comfortable! If your feet are all swollen from the torture of being on point all night in the club - do you think that is going to win him over later on? (wait for it...)

I hear that its also important that women look very good in front of each other and I suspect that this really has more to do with that then us (men) and if so..then I guess the vicious cycle will continue. I just thought I would drop word that while we always notice your looks - we may not always appreciate the effort.


Things that I think are cool: Finger Videos

I stumbled across this after Aliah was giving me the run down on where the samples for Kanye West's "Stronger" and Busta Rhymes "Touch It" came from. I knew Daft Punk was the source for Stronger but I didn't know it was for Touch It. So that is pretty dope to see how much influence they have on the music scene right now. Anway when looking for the tracks on Youtube we came across these finger videos. Depending on how you look at it this is either something that is really cool - or as I used say - people with too much free time on their hands. You decide:

Technologic (aka: Touch it)

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (aka: Stronger)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Patriot Games: The Democratic National Convention?

So I keep seeing these reports on CNN about how its such a big deal that Hillary Clinton's name is being put up for the vote during the convention even though she clearly lost the primaries. It annoys me on a few different levels.

First and foremost - SHE LOST!!! Hillary supporters really need to get over it. Not just in the political sense with the whole "getting behind the candidate" thing. But really get over. They are like that wounded champion boxer who got stunned in an upset and spent the rest of their career trying to make a comeback - you know what I am talking about. Please don't take this the wrong way - I think the progress she made in this election and the fact that for a very long time (years prior to this election) it was widely accepted that she would/should/and could be the nominee is a TREMENDOUS personal achievement and sign-o-the times with regard to women and the glass ceiling. But with any progress you must know how to accept victory AND defeat. The Hillary campaign has come off as a bunch of winers, babies, and brats that need to be pacified in order to play fair. Its lame and I think it ultimately weakens the party, this strong candidate, and them personally. I would say that they have lost a lot of respect in the political arena and to blacks who held them so near and dear not so long ago. We'll see if time heals all wounds.

Next up is there resistance to coming out in full support of Sen. Obama. Its widely recognized that the primary was deeply divisive and that as I mentioned above there are some wounds that needed to be healed - quickly. I know Obama's on vacation now but I think this Obama/Clinton machine should have been rolling a long time ago. Like early July at the latest. I am tired of all of these tip-toe answers about whether or not they support Obama or whether he is qualified. We all know that in this kind of race/election that those that lose the primaries come out and support their winning candidate in hopes of getting the BIG win. This is not new ground here - this is what the Clintons are supposed to do. If they don't like the results of the primaries they can pull a Joe Lieberman and go independent to have at it again. All I am saying is - stop faking the funk. If you don't have anything nice to say - stay your ass up off of TV then.

Last is the rumor that Clinton supporters (possibly even led by Hillary) are STILL trying to stage some kind of voting coup at the DNC in a couple of weeks. First off Obama and his campaign is not going out with a fight so I would suspect that any funny business at the DNC is going to be HIGHLY questioned and contested. Secondly - BLACK PEOPLE ARE NOT HAVING IT. Obama won this right to be the Democratic Nominee fair and square (no pun intended). For anyone ESPECIALLY Hillary to come in and pull the rug from underneath him - it was be a tragedy of historical proportions. I believe in my heart that the Black vote would revolt against the DNC - and probably not vote at all - those are important votes that will be well needed come November. Any move to "steal" this proud moment in our history will basically be a stab in the back - and I am not sure what will happen if that does happen.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Jack City: The population boom...well everybody except us.

In my browsing the internet in hopes of finding something inspirational to write about. I found something very different - and scary. I read an article that said by 2042 white people will no longer be the majority race in America -now that wasn't scary in it of itself but the following passage from that article was:

"By 2050, whites will make up 46 percent of the population and blacks will make up 15 percent, a relatively small increase from today. Hispanics, who make up about 15 percent of the population today, will account for 30 percent in 2050, according to the new projections.

Asians, which make up about 5 percent of the population, are projected to increase to 9 percent by 2050."

So for the people in the cheap seats - I'll make it simple.

How is it that all these other demographics will grow and in some cases DOUBLE and our population (Blacks) remain almost the same? What are we doing so different that is stunting our growth?

Before someone goes out and jumps on the whole "its poverty!" bandwagon - I would venture to say that a good portion of hispanics, asians, and even white people deal with poverty as a problem. Everyone is not making $50k a year. Some people get by on a lot less. So while I am sure poverty has some contribution to the problem - it can't be the sole cause of it. Furthermore, I would say during period of time including the Slave Era - up through the civil rights movement - poverty was an issue then - and again our community was able to overcome that to an extent and grow.

I think that we as a people add fuel to the flames that burn our existence by acting in ways that not only shorten our lifespan - they bring it to a DEAD halt (pun intended).


Drug Usage

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

I mean it really all comes down to that we:

1) Don't take care of ourselves the way that we should - leading to increased health problems and early death.
2) Don't protect ourselves by not engaging in dangerous behaviors (sex and drugs included here)
3) Actually take the lives of OUR OWN PEOPLE en masse DAILY (no health problem here - just death).

I mean you really have to think about it. Living in the dawn of a new era (especially racially) - how can you be proud of all that we have a accomplished as a race of people here in this country - when in less than 50 years our legacy will be that we not died - but rather killed ourselves out of a position of prominence. Where will our political strength be to request and/or vote on (and win) anything regarding our interests?

Something to think about people.

Race & Class

I decided to post this based on a conversation I had last night. It reminded me of this clip so I sought it out. The conversation was basically talking around how we as black people view ourselves and rising in status within and outside of our community. And how we look at other black people and have a genuine concern about how others behavior/appearance/etc. indirectly can have an effect on how WE are perceived.

I think its a valid concern. I really do. You can't be working in a corporate environment as minority and have somebody "feeding into the stereotype". And that goes for any minority racially, sexually, etc. Why? Because it reflects badly upon the other members of that minority. But the question comes in what can you do to change that perception if you are all that concerned about it.

Some people have gone to the front lines of the media - writing and airing commentary in books and TV about what's going on in the community. Bill Cosby set off a firestorm a few years back, and Jesse Jackson more recently about the possibility of being too publicly critical or to put it simply "airing our dirty laundry".

A friend of mine took a more hands on approach - recently physically intervening when he witnessed a man beating on his girlfriend in a University Gym. We'll call this direct approach (lol) but really was it all that bad to do something that got -right to the point?

Some would say that its impossible to really change peoples initial perceptions of you or others because they are usually rooted in years of experiences. I would disagree that its "impossible" - but would have to concede that it is a difficult task. Do you try and put it on your shoulders to simply change peoples perception of you and hope that it will pass over to others. Or do you attempt to teach others how to project themselves in a better manner in hopes that this will reduce the negative stereotyping?

I would say both. But I wouldn't begin at either of those points. I don't believe that most of us have a problem within in our ability to perceive what is right and wrong. I do believe that the more difficult task comes in how do we express that. In a very bad case of irony - in the conversation that started this whole thing - I was trying to express that I took some of the comments made as offensive and judgmental which in turn offended the person I was speaking with and put me in a position of judging them. So yes its a tight rope to walk. But it must be walked - ignoring the problem and not doing anything and/or being too blunt can accomplish the same thing - nothing.

It has been said the truth hurts.. Its some painful truth out there. No doubt. Its also been said that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. I think that's what we need to find as a community. The spoonful of sugar.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Good news in Hip-Hop this week

First up. Luda and T.I. deaded there long lyrical feud (which is all it ever really was anyway) and gave the fans what they wanted - a collabo! This one is already on my ipod but I am sure you can find it on your own free downloadable site. Check it out.

Then to top it all off Jay-Z is back!! (Like he ever left?). Anyway I am a Jay fan and if this new songs is a complete indication of where the Blueprint 3 (yes the Part III people) is going..then I am ready for December to hit right now. Check it out.

RIP Bernie Mac

Man this is a tragic loss. I think he did live a full and productive life. But I know that I for one will miss his comedy.
I hate that the last thing he did was that Barack Obama fundraiser (had a Ludacris style mishap). But I think his whole
body of work will out shine that by far. I remember first seeing him on Def Comedy Jam and thinking "Man I sure hope he is funny . He is a little old and ugly to be out there". Made me eat my words for sure. RIP Bernie.. going to get me another copy of Kings of Comedy right now.

Bernie Mac - Def Comedy Jam - Click here for the funniest movie of the week

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Girl 6: Know your rank!!!

So I was having a conversation lately with a friend and she was telling me about a relationship that she had with a man that was "involved" with someone else. This is kind of a sequel to the "Are you a sidepiece" Facebook note from a couple of months back (let me know if you want me to post that -courtesy of Vandalyzm!). So anyway she said something to me that struck me as odd -that she was not just his sidepiece she was the girlfriend too (same as his live-in girlfriend). Now mind you I am not judging her - everyone has their own views on things and this was her own. But what raised my eyebrow was the concept that two women could be on the same level in a man's life...and then I got to thinking about it and I wondered - IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!?!?!?

I think it safe to say that a man is often put in a position to choose between the women in his life (wife vs. mother, mother vs. daughter, wife vs. mistress, main chick vs. sidepiece, etc. etc. etc.) - and in order to do that there has to be some kind of working order. While I am NOT (repeat NOT) going to try and formulate some plan around that. I do think its important that you be cognizant of the things that are going around you and the reality of your relationship with another person. That way it doesn't come as a surprise to you if/when something forces you to choose (i.e. getting busted for all you playas and playettes out there).

In the conversation that I was having there were several instances where I saw an "opportunity" to assess her position but I don't think she did - or just ignored it anyways.

1) Feelings being involved vs. the reality of the situation. In this case pitting the fact that you have feelings for someone vs. the fact you KNOW they are involved with someone else. If you don't have a problem with this - there is no rank conflict and no need to assess your role. If you start having issues with not being seen in public places, getting public acknowledgment, getting left alone in the bed in the middle of the night or early next morning? Then this is a prime opportunity to assess your status. How do we do this - simple - ask. Don't be a fool and accept any answer - look for lies or half-truths. Bottom line is when presented with a simple a question anything that is not a yes- is a no. ("So are you going to leave her for me?", etc.). The real problem is that this BOUND TO HAPPEN - so there really never is a time when you "don't" have a problem with this its just a matter of time before you admit it to yourself (and its probably going to be when you see that person with another person). You also have to determine how far a person simply making you feel good is going to carry them in your eyes (I don't care what he does out there..he comes home to me).

2) Competition - this is when everything is on the table. All the key players know where they stand and they try to make a play for dominance despite that. For example - you have a spouse - and its a well known fact or something they don't hide and people make a play for them anyway. That's competition (or at least an attempt at it). Where do we assess our status here - simple: watch. If the spouse is very open to these come on's etc. - we have a problem. If he/she shuts them down with ease - we're in the clear. Don't try and stop them from happening (if you like/love them for a # of reasons - is it logical to expect others not to be drawn to them?) - just make sure they are getting shut down.

3) Self-Esteem - you don't always have to base what you are or where you stand off of other people. Take a look at yourself and how you feel. If you don't feel good about it - do something about it. People will prey on your weaknesses. Its the nature of the world so make yourself #1 in your life and remove anything driving you down - including playa/playettes who are wasting your time.

American The Hypocrite

Even though the presidential campaigns have become BNN (boring news network) - I have become increasingly annoyed at how much hypocrisy and BS in general is getting thrown around the media coverage of it.

First off, this whole notion that Sen. Barack Obama has to get the American voters more acquainted with him because "they don't really know him". WTF is that about? I would say its safe to say that the "general" american voter doesn't know any of the people in the race before the primaries - and even then its on name and face value only. They know McCain a little more because he has been in the press longer - but again as a presidential candidate dating back eight years. But before then he was on the come up just like anyone else. The Republicans are suffering from exactly what the Dems had a problem with in 2004. The "anything but" syndrome. They weren't really impressed with their pool of candidates overall and once McCain got the people behind him and eeked out some wins. Then they jumped on the bandwagon. I agree of that bunch he is the strongest candidate (Huckabee would have been a good match for Obama too on morals, debate, etc.) but they aren't "sold" on him still. Anyway like I was saying we all are getting to know these candidates - BOTH of them - a saw a poll the other day that says it was 50/50 on both of them as far as people having "serious" concerns about either them as president.

Next up race, I really hate that this is such a "touchy" topic but the reality is that it is just that - touchy. What I don't like even more is the attempts to "keep race out of it". Race is, has been, and will be an issue. The very real truth is that there are a lot of people who have issues with anyone but a white man being president of this country. Since that is a truth why not speak on it? We should also speak on if African-Americans are really in tuned with Barack Obama as a candidate? Not just his race or his poise within that (almost as bad as "he speaks so well!?!?") but really is what he is offering what you really want. This is a critical time in our countries history I honestly believe the decisions by the next administration will either save us or send us down a very very dark path. So its time to really know what we want as country and pick who is best suited to move us in that direction. Now I will say that Pres. Bush is what got us where we are -so the closer McCain aligns with them ??? Nuff said.

Last AGE - look Sen McCain is old. He is! Do I think that he should be discredited because of that - absolutely not. But I do believe the possibility he might get very sick or worse is a real and valid concern. So again why is whenever this is brought to the forefront its an issue. And isn't citing Sen. Obama's inexperience the same thing just the opposite twist on it? These are very real issues and the fact the American people are concerned about it - makes it a very real issue because we are basing our votes around our concerns right? So if I just want to be sure that I star QB is going to be ready to play for the length of his contract - is that a bad thing? To make it REALLY real - I would say some people are concerned for Sen. Obama's life should he become president - and in that case here again its a very big concern about who is going to be VP.

Boring as it is people. Its time to start having some real dialogue. I think we have a few more weeks of touch football politics - and then its on. If we don't start talking about these issues in real tangible manner now. It can get ugly this fall.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Do The Right Thing: Check on your elderly neighbors...

I don't know about the rest of the world - but the weather here in the STL has been SCORCHING HOT !!!!!. I am an asthmatic and its made things really really difficult lately for me. With that being said I can only imagine what its doing to the elderly people around the city.

I remember after the big storm in summer 2006 - there were plenty of people without power. I remember being at that cooling station and just talking with the older people who didn't really have any help to defend themselves from the heat - I called them the forgotten people. I learned a lot from that. Don't forget them. Make a phone call, knock on or door, or two.

Monday Mixtape

I seriously hate Mondays. I really do. So this is my small contribution to "coping" with a case of "the Mondays". Hope you enjoy.

Things that I think are cool: X-Games

I am not sure of too many young black guys that are into skateboarding and honestly thats a shame. I hear thats changing pretty fast though. In the meantime we have these crazy white guys to entertain my curiosity. Shout out to Sir Danny Way who came back from a fall that I surely thought killed him to make a movie style finish (even though he got the silver - it was Gold I say..GOLD!)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Observation of the Single Woman Fear vs. Strength

Ok so you all got my thoughts a rolling with all your commentary (BTW that was supposed to be a funny blog - but it seems to have struck a nerve of frustration..sorry about that).

Before we begin - keep in mind a few things 1) I am not a psychologist 2) I am man so I can't completely relate and 3) these are my observations & opinions. So they are open to debate. So with that said lets start.

In the last couple of weeks I have heard A LOT of women say that they are choosing to remain "single" in an effort to avoid a lot of the BS that we men are bringing to the table. They are fed up with broken promises, childish games, and carnal behaviors blurred into interpretations of affection.

At the same time I hear these women sound very confident and say they feel that they are "stronger" because they are single. Somehow because they have chosen to avoid all of the drama/frustrations of dating or being with men - this has given them piece of mind and places them above those that choose to engage time & time again only to come up empty handed - where is the logic in that right?

Well a long time ago someone said the earth was flat too....

My point being that success comes with plenty of failure but more importantly - steps of faith. Simply avoiding a problem does not indicate strength - it may indicate a good eye for trouble or even a low tolerance for it. But that's doesn't NECESSARILY make you stronger as a person. An argument could be made that a person thats been through more trials may actually come out stronger in the end.

Don't get me wrong - I hear you about seeing your girlfriends constantly date the wrong guy - making all the same mistakes over and over again. I get it. But that isn't always because of a lack of strength - I would say its mostly a lack of good judgment. The problem doesn't lie in their desire to be in a relationship - but to get into each and every one the same way..doing the same things and expecting a different result. Thats poor judgment overall.

Think about this... it requires strength to be IN a relationship -especially a good one. It takes strength to keep it a good relationship and to work at...well making it work. Just because someone is in a relationship doesn't make them some sort of sell out. It doesn't mean that they have compromised themselves. Its very possible they have both found and are cultivating something that makes them VERY happy.

Now on the flip - a person that is "mentally" weak - will probably be in a relationship and do the very things that you are talking about. Breaking down, accepting mental or physical abuse. accepting being unhappy vs. being "single". But these people would probably have this kind of problem in other areas - not just in their relationship.

Bottom line - The very same women that I hear profess at the top of their lungs that they are single and happy also complain that what keeps them there is a lack of options, or just too complicated dating scene overall . Well isn't that the same as saying if conditions were better then you would date more? And if that is true doesn't that mean somewhere in there you still desire that companionship? Well?

If there is one long shot in the world its the whole "love at first sight" thing. I saw my fiance for the first time back in 1991 - we didn't know we were in love until 2006.

Matter of fact - scratch that - we didn't even fall in love until 2006. There was a 15 year gap in there where were just seeing each other in passing. 15 YEARS! People - and a lot of you are cranking that bio clock up after a few weeks. Slow down - but be active.

Don't be a couch complainer. If we had been sitting back waiting for Mr./Mrs. right to walk up with a T-shirt and a resume or for the general dating pool to Step their game up (had to get that in there) - then we would probably be in the same "well we used to kick-it" boat that so many singles up in.

If the intent to being single is to avoid involvement - your end result will be being alone. Get out there and shuffle it up a bit. Don't be stupid about it.. use good judgment - avoid the crazy dudes - and lose the losers. But get out there just the same. If it doesn't work out that's cool - he is not the one (and if you believe in that that also means you know that there will be A LOT of "not the ones" - so just accept it. ) Try not to take it personal and move on

Top 10 Things Women Know about Men

****** DISCLAIMER: This is an old post (2005) from my blog so its not an indication on Aliah and I. Its on every other blog I have ever had and seems to be a hit so lets roll the dice again. Its is/was for fun - enjoy***************

A female friend of mine sent me this list (what men know about women) and I came up with a counter response. When I sent it out.. a lot of my female friends said that I was bitter. I would disagree with that assesment. I was really just making funny references to things that I observe as single male. But here it is for your disdain or enjoyment. :


The top ten things men understand about women:













1) Women understand that men are easily satisfied and manipulated. However they stress themselves out coming up with new and increasingly more difficult ways to complicate this...and then turn to the man for "understanding" about something he probably had no clue was even happening.

2) Women understand that there is a time and a place for everything. However there appears to be a clause in that rule that does not apply for having arguments or voicing their opinion to the world about things that are no one in the worlds business...namely their relationship with their man.

3) Women understand that men normally are lacking when it comes to areas of romance. Despite this enlightened position - they always seem to expect a high level of romantic intuition from the untrained and are put off by the ones that are more "expressive" - (e.g. why are you so nice to me?)

4) Women understand that most men are slow to commit romantically and don't like to be forced to do anything. This point appears to overshadowed by some other lure (possibly the dark side of the force)..that makes women discard this rule and demand an answer on a man's intentions with her, the rest of his life and how the last few weeks have inexplicably combined the two..

5) Women understand that men are easily tempted and their eyes wander. But instead of taking the opportunity to sneak a peek of their own ..They would rather track everything/one he is watching like a air-to-air missile which only makes them mad and then result to have a #2 that bleeds over into #4 filled with complaints about #3 which all together just adds up to #1.

6) Women understand that men routinely forget to put down the seat in the bathroom. This knowledge apparently is cut off from the rest of her brain upon entry to the bathroom..(Side note: if we have to pick-up the seat to do our business. why is too much ask for you to put it down to do yours.?)

7) Women understand that there are all kinds of different men in the world -only few of which may possibly be of soul mate caliber. With this in mind (or not)...Women set out to make or change one of "the many" into "the one”. all the while complaining about how they are not the one. With each failed attempt blamed on the masses of men..who were never soul mate material in the first place..but somehow have managed to waste her time..

8) Women understand that men enjoy bonding with other males through group activity (as do women). But for some reason the males activities appear to carry less intrinsic value in the eye of the woman and thus are expected to be cancelled regularly upon request (ex. "you are ALWAYS out with your friends and you are NEVER with me"-this is usually false but again refer to #1).

9) Women understand that in modern select your mate from the masses based on mutual attraction and common interest/goals, etc. However it increasingly seems like they think men are only with them because of some default mechanism in our brain ("--MESSAGE TO MALE--Your tenure as a single male has expired please refer to current or most recent mate/date/spousal candidate and propose commitment and/or marriage immediately--this message will self destruct in 1 month..)

10) Women understand that men do not associate physical intimacy with explicit commitment. This knowledge is apparently a temporary casualty of intimate activity....because immediately thereafter a woman is unable to fight the urge to ask..."um so what does this mean? or where is this going?". There are some documented cases of this level of questioning occurring DURING the intimate act in which it is also understood by women that there is a decrease of coherent thinking by men. It seems that some women believe this is the perfect time to ask questions that they want answered in the affirmative - "do you love me?"...and then expect to hold him to that which was brought out under duress and in the heat of the moment (see #1).

If this struck and nerve.. grin and bear it.. But then again these things should come as no surprise.. It’s the top 10 things women ALREADY know..Right!

Hip Hop Politics: Advanced Course

First off Hello world. For some of you this is a reintroduction (what's up!) - for others the first -welcome. I haven't posted a blog in a long time and in search for inspiration I figured I would just start a completely new one. I always get complaints about not being able to read my blog on Myspace, Yahoo 360, or Facebook so I will try it again here. I think this is pretty open to the public right? 

Let us begin. 

I haven't been really inspired to write lately and was in desperate need of SOMETHING to happen to raise my eyebrow. Thank god for Ludacris!

So just when the campaigns for president were getting really boring for the hip-hop nation (Barack is that dude, change this, change that vs. McCain war hero, same this, same that, etc.) - here comes Ludacris with his ode to the Obama campaign! See below

Whew? Pretty dope rhyme right? But here is the difference - its an election year. This is the first time a candidate is so closely tied to the hip-hop community so its a whole new ball game. Before with candidates like Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and John Kerry there was little attention paid to any hip-hop mentioning of them. In all reality they never had the support of Hip-Hop while they were running for president (Bill was popular amongst African Americans in general. Al was living off of Bill's 8 years of success, and Kerry was basically getting the "anything but Bush" support.) Now anything - ANYTHING - associated with Obama is fair game.

In the race for president most people would think that the gloves are off too. But its really not about who plays harder - its who plays smarter. This is where hip-hop needs to learn the lesson (which has actually been taught a few times in the past). Being brash for the sake of being brash and because you have a right to free speech doesn't always mean that you "should" say whats on your mind. There is much to be gained from a tactfully placed comment or silence in general. Even more to gain from a good apology. Which I think Ludacris needs to do here. There is already a precedent set for it (see Jesse Jackson which Luda smashes in this track as well) - and Obama denoucement of Rev. Wright and Luda's comments. I even think the "paralyzed" comment about Sen.McCain was a bit strong. 

In the tradition of hip-hop battle raps there is an unwritten code of conduct about what you can and can't say as far being considered completely out of line. Disrespect for the mother of your opponent (can't recall a case of this ever happening), the mother of your opponents children (see Jay-Z "Super-ugly" Nas diss, or Ja-Rule's diss of Eminem), those that have passed on (expect to hear a Tupac or Biggie diss anytime soon?), etc. Its a gray area in politics but something Hip-hop needs to learn anyway. Luda should have known given his level of celebrity, and prior run ins with the likes of Bill O'Reily this was never going to go under the radar. So I think in the interest of helping keep the Obama campaign on track - he should apologize. What do you think?