Ok you know I try not to post twice in one day - but I HAD to get this one cracking ASAP. Of course everyone knows by now that Sen. McCain chose Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice presidential running mate today - and the world is all abuzz about it.
Let me first say that I don't think this is a BAD thing. I don't have anything against her personally and I hope she represents herself well. Any opportunity for there to be more diversity amongst the ranks of Washington D.C. - that always has the POTENTIAL to be a great thing. So again - congratulations to Gov. Palin.
The number 1 criticism of Sen. Obama is that he isn't experienced enough to be the President right? The number one expectation of any vice presidential candidate is that they be qualified to lead on Day 1 if it ever comes to that - so how can you criticize him for not having any D.C. experience and then choose someone who has (wait for it....) - NONE! She has no experience at the federal government level. Yes she is a governor (state level) and former mayor (municipal) kudos to her- and yes that counts as being in a leader in a position to make decisions - but she has been there 2 years as a Governor in a state with a population just slightly less than Delaware. Where is all this vanglorius experience? Again - I am not going to bash her - she is doing her thing - who wouldn't want a chance to be V.P.? But I am FULL FLEDGED HATING ON the hypocrisy of John McCain, his campaign, and his party supporters.
THEN (can you tell I am pissed yet) when running down her qualifications - they come out with she's was on the PTA (?), she's an athlete (?), former basketball coach? Huh? Since when did torturing kids with suicide drills, and meeting over milk and cookies make you qualified to be Vice President? I am not saying that these are bad things to have done. I am just saying - how goofy was it to roll those out as reasons why you picked her? Next time just say that she is an All- American Mom and save us 20 mins ok?!?
This move would not have been so easily suspect - had he done it before the DNC when it became clear that things were growing to a fever pitch and they were in trouble. This ladies name was not even mentioned that often in serious contenders for the V.P. slot - and all of a sudden she is the best candidate? I am not buying it..This was done for shock and awe - mission accomplished - but now like she said " the ship must sink or sail".
To think that by simply putting on a woman on the ticket they can woo women voters from the democrats- insults the intents and ethics of the whole feminist and woman's suffrage movement. Will some be easily swayed - yes. But that doesn't excuse the move at all. Its like throwing a bone like to puppies - "hey girl..here girl... didn't get that Presidential slot? Come on over here for the V.P chance?!?! Yes..good girl". Rush Limbaugh even went on to say that she was a "babe" (she is a former pageant runner up to - guess that will go over well with the Saudi's right?) WTF?!?!
She opened herself up for a big time big time diss though. In her announcement speech she gave a nod to Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro - and the 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling. Big mistake. Anyone remember the when Dan Quayle got lambasted for comparing himself to JFK? Yeah something like that. (see below)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-7gpgXNWYI (if you gotta go straight to you tube).
She is mos def not Hillary Clinton.