****** DISCLAIMER: This is an old post (2005) from my blog so its not an indication on Aliah and I. Its on every other blog I have ever had and seems to be a hit so lets roll the dice again. Its is/was for fun - enjoy***************
A female friend of mine sent me this list (what men know about women) and I came up with a counter response. When I sent it out.. a lot of my female friends said that I was bitter. I would disagree with that assesment. I was really just making funny references to things that I observe as single male. But here it is for your disdain or enjoyment. :
The top ten things men understand about women:
1) Women understand that men are easily satisfied and manipulated. However they stress themselves out coming up with new and increasingly more difficult ways to complicate this...and then turn to the man for "understanding" about something he probably had no clue was even happening.
2) Women understand that there is a time and a place for everything. However there appears to be a clause in that rule that does not apply for having arguments or voicing their opinion to the world about things that are no one in the worlds business...namely their relationship with their man.
3) Women understand that men normally are lacking when it comes to areas of romance. Despite this enlightened position - they always seem to expect a high level of romantic intuition from the untrained and are put off by the ones that are more "expressive" - (e.g. why are you so nice to me?)
4) Women understand that most men are slow to commit romantically and don't like to be forced to do anything. This point appears to overshadowed by some other lure (possibly the dark side of the force)..that makes women discard this rule and demand an answer on a man's intentions with her, the rest of his life and how the last few weeks have inexplicably combined the two..
5) Women understand that men are easily tempted and their eyes wander. But instead of taking the opportunity to sneak a peek of their own ..They would rather track everything/one he is watching like a air-to-air missile which only makes them mad and then result to have a #2 that bleeds over into #4 filled with complaints about #3 which all together just adds up to #1.
6) Women understand that men routinely forget to put down the seat in the bathroom. This knowledge apparently is cut off from the rest of her brain upon entry to the bathroom..(Side note: if we have to pick-up the seat to do our business. why is too much ask for you to put it down to do yours.?)
7) Women understand that there are all kinds of different men in the world -only few of which may possibly be of soul mate caliber. With this in mind (or not)...Women set out to make or change one of "the many" into "the one”. all the while complaining about how they are not the one. With each failed attempt blamed on the masses of men..who were never soul mate material in the first place..but somehow have managed to waste her time..
8) Women understand that men enjoy bonding with other males through group activity (as do women). But for some reason the males activities appear to carry less intrinsic value in the eye of the woman and thus are expected to be cancelled regularly upon request (ex. "you are ALWAYS out with your friends and you are NEVER with me"-this is usually false but again refer to #1).
9) Women understand that in modern culture..you select your mate from the masses based on mutual attraction and common interest/goals, etc. However it increasingly seems like they think men are only with them because of some default mechanism in our brain ("--MESSAGE TO MALE--Your tenure as a single male has expired please refer to current or most recent mate/date/spousal candidate and propose commitment and/or marriage immediately--this message will self destruct in 1 month..)
10) Women understand that men do not associate physical intimacy with explicit commitment. This knowledge is apparently a temporary casualty of intimate activity....because immediately thereafter a woman is unable to fight the urge to ask..."um so what does this mean? or where is this going?". There are some documented cases of this level of questioning occurring DURING the intimate act in which it is also understood by women that there is a decrease of coherent thinking by men. It seems that some women believe this is the perfect time to ask questions that they want answered in the affirmative - "do you love me?"...and then expect to hold him to that which was brought out under duress and in the heat of the moment (see #1).
If this struck and nerve.. grin and bear it.. But then again these things should come as no surprise.. It’s the top 10 things women ALREADY know..Right!
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