Ok so after my weekend with my brother - I started to keep track of the Presidential campaigns again. I wasn't like overly enthused about the selection of Joe Biden as a running mate - not because I don't like him (I don't really know him), and not because he has made a verbal gaffe or two (I really believe the statements were taken out of context - blame the brain and not the heart). HOWEVER - what ticked me off the most was how the conversation gravitated IMMEDIATELY back to these Hillary Clinton supporters. All of this rhetoric about how disappointed that she wasn't the VP nominee, and how she, the Clinton's overall, and they as her supporters have not been shown enough "respect".
First off, the Dems Primary got ugly when - she (and they) took it there. Yes Obama supporters participated but I think its important to note the a lot of this negativity is rooted in something they started to begin with - and now can't seem to let go of. And since then he has been more than gracious and respectful to her - singing her praises and to her campaign for accomplishing a lot- but I guess that is not enough. Kissing ass is what you require? Fougettaboudit!
Next all of this "I am voting for McCain" - again not because they really believe in him as a candidate - but just to get back at the Obama campaign for this apparent lack of "respect" for them. What? There may be 18 million in support of Hillary but they all have one more thing directly in common with her - they are not the "Presumptive" (thanks Kelcey) Democratic nominee. You get what you give and I would say that the Hillary Clinton supporters have fallen short of the terms supportive and or respectful more than a few million times in the last 2 months - which brings me to my next point.
These people will say in the same breath that they are having problems with how their candidate has been treated, that she lost, but that they don't want her to be blamed if the DEMOCRATS lose the election. Well let me do the math for you people in the
cheap seats.
Throwing salt in the game for the Democratic Nominee + Voting for the opposing parties candidate = Republican Elected President come November = Barack Obama Loses = Dems Lose.
That easy enough for you? No? Try this -if you are worried about her/you not being blamed? Then add a few other variables to that equation.
Throwing salt in the game for the Democratic Nominee + Voting for the opposing parties candidate + Doing it under the banner of "Hillary Clinton Supporter"= Republican Elected President come November = Barack Obama Loses = Dems Lose = Hilliary Clinton is blamed for another "4 MORE YEARS!!!" of this BS.
Its time to tuck tail people. You are really starting to be that crazy wife who is about one more nagging or disrespectful comment - from being single again.
Your candidate got her due. You have gotten your due (and more media coverage than any losing campaign should ever have been afforded). Its time to Get up Get out and get something and QUIT YOUR BITCHING!
* This message was not solicited or sanctioned by the campaign for Barack Obama for President.
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