I am a little confused with this new trend of "tell-all" books coming out from famous women (or semi-famous for various "reasons"). You had the Karrine Superhead Steffans....and that led all the way up to the Queen Barbara Walters gushing about her case of jungle fever. Now you got Kim Osorio (former Editor of the Source) and Faith Evans (formerly Mrs. Biggie Smalls) coming out with their tell everything behind the closed doors and under the sheets biographies.
I am kind of torn on this because part of me respects what we were taught growing up. To not kiss and tell - which really meant don't go putting all of your business out there in the streets. What you do in the bedroom - really should stay in there. Now I am not going to sit here and lie and say that I (or any of you - let's keep it all the way real) have NEVER gave up the goods on a romp (or two, or three - what?! Sue me!). But the point is that I was taught that and on some level knew it was wrong to do it. If that was like having a small weed habit...these books are like moving on up to heroin! Crossing that line and completely putting your business out there for the WORLD to see- FOREVER - not just a few homies around the way to help cover your tracks or mark a notch on your belt.
Then there is the other part of me that is like - shoot why not?! Guys have been getting PAID by exploiting women for the longest - why shouldn't these ladies be able to profit off of booty call or two or three? Its not like they broke some sacred oath to you. Nobody had to sign a privacy agreement. Chances are that he told somebody anyway - only difference is ..she told the world AND got a check. So what's the bigger infraction? Telling at all - or telling with no benefit to anyone except the poor schmuck who is getting his rocks off listening to your play by play from the night before?
I guess on some level you could say the rule is dead altogether. With all the Bachelor, Flavor of Love, Date my wife, Elimidate, etc. etc. etc. - going on T.V. - now who needs to write a book? You have people who are only face because they not only kissed and told - you got to watch them have at it right there on TV once a week (or more if its a hit - you know how MTV does it!).
But what does that mean for us morally? What does that say to our kids? I mean how can you tell them to be abstinent? When they be famous for getting some and putting it out there for everyone to see? Look at these great examples
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