So I keep seeing these reports on CNN about how its such a big deal that Hillary Clinton's name is being put up for the vote during the convention even though she clearly lost the primaries. It annoys me on a few different levels.
First and foremost - SHE LOST!!! Hillary supporters really need to get over it. Not just in the political sense with the whole "getting behind the candidate" thing. But really get over. They are like that wounded champion boxer who got stunned in an upset and spent the rest of their career trying to make a comeback - you know what I am talking about. Please don't take this the wrong way - I think the progress she made in this election and the fact that for a very long time (years prior to this election) it was widely accepted that she would/should/and could be the nominee is a TREMENDOUS personal achievement and sign-o-the times with regard to women and the glass ceiling. But with any progress you must know how to accept victory AND defeat. The Hillary campaign has come off as a bunch of winers, babies, and brats that need to be pacified in order to play fair. Its lame and I think it ultimately weakens the party, this strong candidate, and them personally. I would say that they have lost a lot of respect in the political arena and to blacks who held them so near and dear not so long ago. We'll see if time heals all wounds.
Next up is there resistance to coming out in full support of Sen. Obama. Its widely recognized that the primary was deeply divisive and that as I mentioned above there are some wounds that needed to be healed - quickly. I know Obama's on vacation now but I think this Obama/Clinton machine should have been rolling a long time ago. Like early July at the latest. I am tired of all of these tip-toe answers about whether or not they support Obama or whether he is qualified. We all know that in this kind of race/election that those that lose the primaries come out and support their winning candidate in hopes of getting the BIG win. This is not new ground here - this is what the Clintons are supposed to do. If they don't like the results of the primaries they can pull a Joe Lieberman and go independent to have at it again. All I am saying is - stop faking the funk. If you don't have anything nice to say - stay your ass up off of TV then.
Last is the rumor that Clinton supporters (possibly even led by Hillary) are STILL trying to stage some kind of voting coup at the DNC in a couple of weeks. First off Obama and his campaign is not going out with a fight so I would suspect that any funny business at the DNC is going to be HIGHLY questioned and contested. Secondly - BLACK PEOPLE ARE NOT HAVING IT. Obama won this right to be the Democratic Nominee fair and square (no pun intended). For anyone ESPECIALLY Hillary to come in and pull the rug from underneath him - it was be a tragedy of historical proportions. I believe in my heart that the Black vote would revolt against the DNC - and probably not vote at all - those are important votes that will be well needed come November. Any move to "steal" this proud moment in our history will basically be a stab in the back - and I am not sure what will happen if that does happen.
K. Shaw said:
hate to be a party pooper but Sen. Obama is not the Democratic Party Nominee. He's the presumptive nominee. By DNC rules, a candidate must have 2/3 of the party vote to be the official nominee. Sen. Obama edged Sen Clinton out during the primaries but noth enough to capture the mandatory 2/3 majority declaring him the party nominee. He will not be officially declared the nominee until the super delegates vote at the DNC since he did not get 2/3 of the primaries as mentioned earlier.
I agree that the in-fighting is harmful but "technically" she can still fight until the super delegate thing is over. After that any fighting she does will have to be as an independent as you already eluded to.
Generally speaking however, she really should just chill and either work to help the situation or completely remove herself from the arena. I think the party could benefit from the Clinton machine and would not want to see it go away but if they are not actively helping the party win they are just in the way.
That was some good info. I do not forsee any problems at the convention, I do however see a problem with the media and I encourage everyone who will be voting for Obama, to influence their friends to do the same. I have friends that Korean, Hispanic, and Caucasion. I encourage everyone who truly desires change, to talk to everyone in an appropriate setting to vote for change and thats Barack Obama.
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