Monday, August 25, 2008

You go girl. Great Job Michelle Obama

I was moved by the speech of Michelle Obama - I was glad that she got up there and told her story and in turn OUR story. Not a black story, an american story. A story of families that work hard so that their children can have much more than they have. I think this speech will be a defining moment in this campaign. I have to admit for the first time since he (Obama) won the nomination - I feel another step closer to seeing a black president in my lifetime. I really hope this is a flash in the pan to help get people over that hump to move forward and way beyond our past - which really - is baggage. It has defined us for far too long.

To quote Mrs. Obama - its time we start choosing our leaders based on our possibilities and not our fears.

I found a small portion of the speech - in case you missed it.

This was a great great great speech. Shout to Sen. Ted Kennedy for holding it down too.

And for all of the GOP Haters....ahem... I mean pundits - here is a little tune for you.

1 comment:

Kay said...

Kudos to Michelle for that awesome speech as well as Senator Kennedy *tear*