I have to admit as I stated in previous blogs I was really worried about what Hillary would do and say in her speech at the DNC. Would it be more about her and why she felt she should have been elected? Was it going to be her pseudo-victory dance?
Well I am an honest man and I have to admit when I am wrong...and I was wrong. She came in and did her damn job. She didn't hit a home run. She hit the home run to win the world series with a grand slam. You know that scene in the action movie when the mentor falls on the sword to save the team - or the hero. Yeah - this was that moment. She touched on a number of emotional topics - and sold some authenticity in each one.
I was impressed to say the least.
I think this speech did wonders to erase doubts that she is and will be a prominent supporter to make Obama's presidency real. But I still fear that its wasn't enough.
As I am writing this I am watching a Hillary supporter, a woman, a black woman - who was brought to tears by the speech - but not because it moved her to support Barack Obama - but because she felt that this speech proved even more that Hillary should have won the Dems nomination. She said that Obama has "2 months" to convince her to give him his vote. Thats a sign a bad sign - a real bad sign. Here it is the lady that you pledge so much allegiance to just told you to move on..and move forward as DEMOCRATS. Not just Hillary and/or Obama supporters - and some still can't do it. I am hoping that time heals all wounds and fosters better judgment. But we will just have to see - as the lady said she surely will not vote for McCain - but she may not vote at all if she isn't convinced by Obama.
I think that kind of action (or rather lack therof) really is spiteful in spirit - and ultimately counterproductive. Hillary addressed this point - asking again - did you get into this just to support Hillary or for something bigger and better - our brigther future for us than the last 8 years. I just hope they all caught that point. Because we can't afford for them to try and figure it out for 2 months.
Clinton: ‘No way. No how. No McCain’
She did a very good job. If she wasn't acting like a smelly snatch during her campaign, Barack could have nominated her as VP...but nooooooo
This is why I love Hill. Professional politician that she is, she is getting herself ready for the next fish she wants to catch and fry. I almost giddy waiting to find out what it is she REALLY wants now. My girl always has a back up plan. She has proved herself to be a true Democrat willing to do whatever it takes without sacrificing the greater goal. Now hopefully she will get something in return just like she deserves.
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