Before you say it - I know I know - I have been blogging the play by play on the speeches. So of course you were expecting the review of President Bill Clinton's speech - WELL I MISSED IT! Its cool though I missed it because I was at church helping on a project. But you know I rushed home to catch the coverage and replays.
To my surprise in addition to the all of the glowing reviews of Pres. Clinton's speech that there was a lot of commentary about this history of the day- the OFFICIAL NOMINATION OF AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN BY A MAJOR PARTY FOR THE OFFICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
In those moments I had to pause and check myself about the levity of that. It was only a few years ago that we were so excited to see a black man and woman win an Academy Award and so many people blew off this official marking of Barack Obama's nomination. Why? I'll tell you why - because for as much as I love my grandparents and my parents - I have never walked in their shoes. And for as much as I have been able to witness in my 30 years as far as racial progress - in pales in comparison to what they have seen and had to endure. While just yesterday I wondered if I would see it in my lifetime - they lived in a time when it didn't seem possible - ever.
Next it occurred to me why - whether he wins or not in November - this moment - Aug. 27th 2008 is extremely historic to both African-Americans and women alike. Because for the first time they were able to bear witness to and or cast their official vote for the FIRST female or the FIRST African-American candidate with a REAL shot at being president of the United States. So on some levels - I apologize for some of my criticism of HRC supporters - because I now see why when something that seemed so impossible less than 10 years ago - you would want to see it through even though conceding it right at its cusps. As we say "I feel where you are coming from".
So I suggest to all - don't follow my lead and let the gravity of this come over you on accident. I chose the picture above to remind you to take some time to realize the world we lived in, the new world you live in, and what it can be.
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