In my browsing the internet in hopes of finding something inspirational to write about. I found something very different - and scary. I read an article that said by 2042 white people will no longer be the majority race in America -now that wasn't scary in it of itself but the following passage from that article was:
"By 2050, whites will make up 46 percent of the population and blacks will make up 15 percent, a relatively small increase from today. Hispanics, who make up about 15 percent of the population today, will account for 30 percent in 2050, according to the new projections.
Asians, which make up about 5 percent of the population, are projected to increase to 9 percent by 2050."
So for the people in the cheap seats - I'll make it simple.
How is it that all these other demographics will grow and in some cases DOUBLE and our population (Blacks) remain almost the same? What are we doing so different that is stunting our growth?
Before someone goes out and jumps on the whole "its poverty!" bandwagon - I would venture to say that a good portion of hispanics, asians, and even white people deal with poverty as a problem. Everyone is not making $50k a year. Some people get by on a lot less. So while I am sure poverty has some contribution to the problem - it can't be the sole cause of it. Furthermore, I would say during period of time including the Slave Era - up through the civil rights movement - poverty was an issue then - and again our community was able to overcome that to an extent and grow.
I think that we as a people add fuel to the flames that burn our existence by acting in ways that not only shorten our lifespan - they bring it to a DEAD halt (pun intended).

Drug Usage
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
I mean it really all comes down to that we:
1) Don't take care of ourselves the way that we should - leading to increased health problems and early death.
2) Don't protect ourselves by not engaging in dangerous behaviors (sex and drugs included here)
3) Actually take the lives of OUR OWN PEOPLE en masse DAILY (no health problem here - just death).
I mean you really have to think about it. Living in the dawn of a new era (especially racially) - how can you be proud of all that we have a accomplished as a race of people here in this country - when in less than 50 years our legacy will be that we not died - but rather killed ourselves out of a position of prominence. Where will our political strength be to request and/or vote on (and win) anything regarding our interests?
Something to think about people.
Comment from K. Shaw:
One thing you forgot to address as a potential reason for the decline in African-American (I hate that term. More on that later) population is: Success.
It has been shown that as a people become educated, stable and financially viable, the birth rate declines. Other stats that change along with this are: the average age for 1st marriages goes up, the average age of a woman when she bears the first child goes up, number of children per married couple goes DOWN.
Why you ask. It's simple. Once a people have the resources to further their education they tend to put off marriage and children until later in life in order to finish the bulk of their formal education and to become "established." Also, waiting until later in life to have kids means less time for the woman to have them. This is either because menopause is around the corner or the woman fells she is too old to put her body through that whether she still "can" or not. Lastly, and Eddie you and learned this years ago, more educated young people directly correlates with better contraception choices, therefore less early pregnancies.
Fewer early/unplanned pregnancies helps stop the cycle of young mother = no money = no education for kids = new young girl that becomes young mother and so on. I'm not saying every young mother leads to that. My mother was a young mother and my family was OK. I'm just saying that we all know this cycle exists.
Blacks in this country while not out of the woods yet are further along the economic cycle of progress than Hispanics in this county are. Whites are further along still. That's why the population is growing at disproportionate rates.
One last factor not mentioned is the fact that "Hispanics" aren't always counted accurately. What I mean by this is being black is a race. Being Hispanic crosses racial and ethnic lines. This means you have BLACK people that will call themselves HISPANIC. So the Hispanic numbers account for people that could just as easily be counted on black on a census. That's why you see on some questionnaires: Hispanic, of African decent or Hispanic, not of African decent. The same could be said of French speakers from Haiti or Portuguese speakers in Brazil.
The boat stopped everywhere! Everywhere the boat stopped, the African cargo assumed the language and culture of the "Massa" while injecting a little flavor and color at the same time. That's how we got this wonderful Pan-African Diaspora of ours with color everywhere! Hell, there's even a black man playing basketball in the Olympics for RUSSIA!
OK, that may have been more of an answer than you wanted. Feel free to dissect this as you like.
It's an eyeopener, for sure. We're killing ourselves, whether it be by shooting or stabbing, or eating fried foods, or babies being addicted to cocaine, or drowning in a pool (black kids are way more likely to die by drowning than white kids).
And I agree with the other person to a's not just success and we as women tend to wait later...a lot of times it's not a choice! with the rising number of black men in jail, black gay men, and black men who already don't take care of the kids they have and so we don't want to be bothered...often women don't have kids because it's not a viable option.
Joe Briggs said:
Or in the alternative we can all commit to using half our vanity and kick it budget for vanquishing bad health and kick boxing. That's right. 20 bucks a week in a savings account and walking a mile a day AT LEAST.
that way we can prepare for the jihad that is coming. LOL
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